I predoct these classes will evolve into the kind of "defensive training" that involves putting a bag over someone's head before eventually just going whole hog and becoming militarized cop training
I predict this will entirely be mall ninjutsu because whatever they teach has to be doable by their audience of gelatinous-handed failchildren or they'll want their money back. This will, if anything, embue them with the confidence to participate in an actual street (or, well, domestic) fight and 0 of the skills, like any other of these dumb-ass self defense trainings
It just shows you how poor the landlords are. They need tips! They can't even afford their own private security yet
"The Day Tenants Attack" is a fun new dogwhistle for "Leadup to the Revolution". And these guys think it's approaching. Good to know.
Amusing because together they are strong versus one attacker. But what happens when they are the lone one and the tenants are together? There's a lesson in here somewhere.