Some explanation of his platform from this:

“It is a boot that has absolute magic that has allowed me to exponentially amplify my First Amendment free speech voice, and communicate with people around the world,” he told Boston Public Radio in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

The boot is also a symbol, he said, of the media's obsession with candidates. “Personnel from the media will ask me about the boot and I tell them that the boot is a pile of excrement and that they are the flies that buzz around it,” said Vermin Supreme.

Vermin Supreme is running on a platform that includes free ponies for all Americans, time travel research and using zombies to create energy by harnessing “the latest in hamster wheel technology.”

He also runs on a promise of mandatory toothbrushing laws, “because gingivitis has been eroding the country's gum line for long enough and must be stopped."



  • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Vernon Supreme cares about my gums and teeth

    Also, he wants me to have toothbrushes while you Commies want to take my toothbrushes. Guess im a lib(ertarian) now.

  • davel [he/him]
    1 month ago

    He seems to be a waste of a court jester in terms of proletarian agitation.

  • GeorgeZBush [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Unironically what is this dude's deal? Is he just doing some flying spaghetti monster bit?

    • CommCat [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      pretty much, if this is your type of humour, then enjoy it, but for me, it's always been meh

      • Owl [he/him]
        1 month ago

        He's run as a democrat, republican, and libertarian, but got furthest as a libertarian.

          • Owl [he/him]
            1 month ago

            She's not perfect, but I plan on voting for her. A large green turnout will get the democrats in trouble with their donors more than a bunch of abstains will. That's not much, but it's pretty good for filling in a bubble on a form I was going to fill out anyway.

            • memory_adept [he/him]
              1 month ago

              I think she makes a great case for her viability, was kind of annoyed to see her on Geopolitical Economy Hour but then I remembered Mike Hudson's whole talk with Kucinich surprisingly ruled. And this also ruled. One minor pushback they gave her was against the Israel lobby controlling USA type talk (a reversal). Also they mentioned many benefits of her running even without winning, although she is trying a lot harder than PSL and actually could.

  • anonochronomus [comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    Not to mention the program to genetically engineer tooth fairies to enforce said toothbrushing laws.