
Look how they massacred my boy stalin-bummed why-post-this

EDIT: All of you seem to be missing the "LIBERAL" sticker

  • amphibian [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Omg I know that sticker, the top 3 letters say "Neo", as in Neoliberal and the icon in the middle is their dumb globe emoji. The Neoliberal Project's website used to send these out to people for free lol. Whoever did that is definitely an r/Neoliberal destiny viewer, pathetic

    Edit: Yeah the Neoliberal Project has a Seattle chapter, incredible stuff truly. Real activism going on over there

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I was tempted to tear it off but as I'm a visitor it's not my place to touch any part of it

        4 months ago

        Never seen that take. I think removing a neolib sticker from a Lenin statue is always good praxis.

  • EstraDoll [she/her]
    4 months ago

    got to go there and clean up comrade lenin myself, i swear

  • ratboy [they/them]
    4 months ago

    I didn't miss the liberal sticker! Lol. What if he person who sticker slapped it thinks that Lenin is too much of a lib

    • amphibian [she/her]
      4 months ago

      Nah its the Neoliberal Project's sticker, they arent critiquing him theyre just stamping their fascist bs on him to own the commies. Would be hilarious if it was some fox news boomer calling lenin a liberal tho

      • ratboy [they/them]
        4 months ago

        The man plotted to kill Marx for being too conservative? Hardcore

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          4 months ago

          It doesn't get less hardcore. Dude had Engles as an aide de camp in 1848, leading one of the few competent republican armies. They fled together across the border with the last rearguard. Later, he became a US Union General (leading a brigade of German Communists.) frontal charged the confederate lines uphill without orders and broke through, allowing Sherman's March to the Sea. He was wounded in a later battle frontal charging the slavers again. Dude just hated the south with a pure burning contempt. He tried to join the Prussians in the Franco-Prussian war because fuck the French, but was refused because, well, communist. He then went back to Paris but couldn't get through the lines to join the Commune, and instead stood outside screaming at them to march on Versailles already.

          Great poster, great hater. Would we had more like him.

    4 months ago

    Lenin a liberal? These people critique a dead man for politics that he didn't even have.