After last fall's grand Silent Hill revival reveal event, something similar happening with MGS wouldn't be a surprise, as MGS remake rumours have been going aroud for about as long the Silent Hill 2 remake ones have, and those turned out to be exactly on the money


Kinda sad the Metal Gear Solid voice actor in question wasn't David Hayter :kitty-cri:

  • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The only game where you foil a GRU plot to overthrow the Soviet government. :order-of-lenin:

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Where you foil a GRU plot to overthrow Krueschev and get Breznev in, which happened anyway but the USSR could have been billions of dollars richer and had more cool nukes.

    • KnockYourSocksOff [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I don't think Hayter would've been a good fit for Snake in MGS5 given its more gritty nature. But I think he should've still been given a speaking role. Kojima also told Stephanie Jootsen that he would contact her to announce any news about her role in Death Stranding (whether she was gonna be on the or not) but ended up having 0 contact with her and moving on without her

  • FuckYourselfEndless [ze/hir]
    1 year ago

    Sorry, I already played the definitive 3DS version where you can take a picture with the 3DS camera and turn that image into camouflage.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    1 year ago

    Is MGS3 the one that really needs a remake?

    I feel like MGS4 is the one that needs it most of all, considering its still locked to the PS3 and has many many issues in presentation that make people kinda just reduce it to the final segments and all the funny cutscenes with Liquid.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I wish Liquid was in that game :sicko-wistful:

      It's the same MO as the RE remakes or the SH2 remake, pick what's popular so :stonks-up:

    • mittens [he/him]
      1 year ago

      but the control scheme is bad, i want a proper fox engine remake that supports triggers instead of the dumb pressure sensitive buttons

      • FuckYourselfEndless [ze/hir]
        1 year ago

        There's gotta' be a way to map that to an Xbox 360/One controller like that via PCSX2 or a controller dongle or something.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      1 year ago

      No, keep remaking it forever giving communists opportunities to dissect it politically for new people and post commie pictures of Kojima.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        1 year ago

        If the Disco Elysium people can get the rights then I'd be dowwwwn. Thst or Brace Belden. Hideo is lib af and understands history worse than I did in the 10th grade. He is a uniquely insane guy and I love his work but aside from mgs2 which I still.maintain is absolutely fucking brilliant, he's not that bright.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          1 year ago

          The only lib thing about him I've seen is his bizarre and unyielding love of America. Everything he's made seems anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist and pro-revolution. Have I missed something?

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            1 year ago

            I disagree with your entire second sentence. So loving America makes the second sentence an oxymoron. Give me one example of Kojima being anti capitalist. Dude is a radlib at best.

              • BarnieusCalgar [he/him]
                1 year ago

                I think that there's not necessarily a strict contradiction between the proposition that Kojima is both a Radlib & also Anti-Imperialist/Anti-Capitalist; or at the very least, there would be little contradictory in him being a "Radlib" and liking Che & Fidel, who are by far the easiest Communists to find unobjectionable if you don't have strongly interrogated political opinions. However, does this also extend to sympathy for the DPRK, or China, for example? Admittedly high bars to clear for most people, but there are few who truly know the way, let alone walk it.

                What I'm getting at is that I think his beliefs are more of a moralistic ideological soup than anything. Kojima can absolutely have based takes, and he is probably the best politically educated AAA Video Game Auteur out there. But that's both a really specific pool of reference, and one that has a generally low bar to it.

                But then again all of this is coming from me, and I'm nothing if not a mélange of half-read theory piled on to a number of personal life grievances, so. I should probably not cast judgement is what I'm getting at. :shrug-outta-hecks:

                • Awoo [she/her]
                  1 year ago

                  However, does this also extend to sympathy for the DPRK, or China, for example?

                  At the very least he wasn't a lib about China as of 2022: https://twitter.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/1513325176569888770).

                  He even recently recommended a Chinese movie from during the cultural revolution period, but I have no idea where you would find this movie: https://twitter.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/1525322663878852608

                  Given that these tweets are well after all the uighur and hk propaganda I think they're notable.

                  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
                    1 year ago

                    Roflmao this reply

                    Mr Kojima, dont you know about tiananmen masacre? About Uighur genocide and culture annihilation? The way china handled corona virus so that now whole world is still suffering and millions died? I mean, if the fan is chinese, thats ok, but you have to remember, what real china is


                    • Awoo [she/her]
                      1 year ago

                      Yeah I saw that one and had a giggle. Lmao.

                      Kojima sees this shit in his feed all the time, keeps posting. He knows what's up.

                    • Awoo [she/her]
                      5 months ago

                      Revisiting this post 10 months later...

                      That tweet is gone. Its disappearance makes me pretty suspicious.

                  • BarnieusCalgar [he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    At the very least he wasn’t a lib about China as of 2022: https://twitter.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/1513325176569888770).

                    Alright, well damn, I'll eat my hat then. :deng-cowboy:

                    • Awoo [she/her]
                      1 year ago

                      I mean, he still might be like "China were good when Mao" with criticisms and issues with current China... I don't know. But that's still notably better than lib. I kinda think he wouldn't be recommending anything Chinese at all if he were like all libs and just totally bought into the anti-china propaganda though, we know he's political and that he's seen all that shit.

                      • BarnieusCalgar [he/him]
                        1 year ago

                        I mean, yeah, no you're right. It's weird that he ends up portraying the Soviets as bad guys in MGS V then, though. Maybe that's a publisher imposition, who knows. :shrug-outta-hecks:

                        • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
                          1 year ago

                          I mean, I guess they're villains since they're enemies but they're just generic mooks that populate the Afganistan map. There is not a single Soviet character in the entire game. No motivations or characterisation to point to.

                          One of the reasons I dislike 5 is how its plot seems to just take place in its own weird anachronistic magical parasite bubble on two open world maps mostly disconnected from the 1980s setting its supposed to take place in

                          Snake Eater and Peace Walker took care to incorporate real world elements, events and organisations to immerse you in the time periods they took place in.

                          5 feels like a generic scifi military anime like 4

                • Awoo [she/her]
                  1 year ago

                  So? We're not talking about mgs3 we're talking about Kojima.


                  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                    1 year ago

                    I'm tired and replying to a lot of stuff. Anyways literally every boomers loves Che cause he died and the can say he was the good guy and Castro was an opportunist. Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes were based. But then mgs5 was cringe and he failed fucki g hard with that game. Big Boss was a shitty awful terrible person, so was solid and basically every single person in those games. They're all dirty black ops war criminals and he failed to express thst. Big Boss is a hero to the fans.

                    • Awoo [she/her]
                      1 year ago

                      But... They don't say Castro was an opportunist? They call both of them heroes.

                      Big Boss is a hero to the fans

                      I don't think anyone would defend what he does with child soldiers or nukes. As for Snake, he quits the US military in disgust and turns against it with the explicit goal of ending the very concept of the nation state at the end of mgs3. Yeah they're shitty people that have done shitty things but 3 is a title that establishes snake's growth and turn against the US.

                      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                        1 year ago

                        Check out the mgs reddit. They love big boss. He turned against the US government after 3 by starting a nuclear equipped pmc/an cap rogue state. Solid became okay but is still a war criminal.

                        • Awoo [she/her]
                          1 year ago

                          They're redditors of course they love the protagonist of every game they play completely uncritically.

                          I agree he's still a war criminal. I don't think many would disagree.

                          The whole issue of people liking the protags comes from the aesthetics though, not from the acts on display.

                    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
                      1 year ago

                      Solid Snake had to be kidnapped and forced to go to Shadow Moses since he had already quit the military at that point and had no love for it.

                      In 2 he and Otacon are running an anti-Metal Gear activist group and have been going round the world sabotaging Metal Gear development programs. Pretty sure they mention they've been designated as terrorists

                      In the beginning of 2 Snake sneaks onto a tanker where the Marines are secretly transporting a secret prototype Metal Gear with the aims of leaking its existence to the public

                      Solid Snake is a pretty cool guy, a Tom Clancy or whatever game character would never be taken in that direction

  • BabaIsPissed [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I think 2 would make for a really interesting remake if given the reimagining treatment but I'd only trust that one in the hands of Kojimbo himself, so 3 is fine.

    Fine in the sense that you only need to put a new coat of paint, they could definetly still fuck this up (they gave SH2 to Bloober Team).

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Kinda sad the Metal Gear Solid voice actor in question wasn’t David Hayter

    You really, really don't want to be associated with another Twin Snakes 2.0, it would be better for every OG actor to stay the fuck away, but of course for career reasons they may not afford that.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I recently saw a video about The Twin Snakes and wow, that game looks and sounds BAD and the cutscene direction makes MGS4 look sensible and grounded. I was bummed growing up that it was a Nintendo exclusive but now I see I didn't miss much.

      I kinda feel like this would be hewing very close to the standards set by the RE remakes though. More than anything I expect everything to be toned down :deeper-sadness: