• Angel [any]
    4 months ago
    [CW: Transmed Nonsense]

    It's funny how these more privileged people call enbies like me "functionally cis" and say we don't understand all the hardship they've gone through when I had to lose so much family over me being trans and literally deal with the shitty legal and medical consequences of being a trans person in Florida as well as literal, explicit discrimination from strangers on the basis of me having an androgynous gender presentation. Make it make sense.

    Apparently, to these bozos, "functionally cis" is:

    • Taking estrogen and seeking out surgeries
    • Experiencing harsh transphobia that leaves you without a family
    • Identifying as trans and relating to various common trans experiences
    • Being literally diagnosed with gender dysphoria and feeling the crushing weight of it constantly.

    And, no, just to be clear, you obviously do not need any of that to be trans. It's just bizarre how these are the things that transmeds will point at and say "enbies don't go through this stuff, so they're not trutrans!" when I literally go through it too damn frequently for my own comfort. Imagine having all this in common with me, but because I don't identify with a binary gender role and I favor an androgynous gender presentation, you will use that as an opportunity to hate me instead of expressing solidarity. This is insanely fucking ironic for a trans person to do!

    Also, why is it that transmeds have two conflicting views of enbies:

    • They're upset with enbies who don't medically transition because they make "real trans people look like a joke."
    • They're upset with enbies who do medically transition because they're "taking away resources from real trans people who actually need it!"

    What a deeply unserious and irrational group of people.