No, it's not because of my age. Young people these days are even more in-your-face, "toxic", nasty etc than the teens I knew growing up. I don't think this really changes based on their politics

Basically young people have less chill today than they did 20 years ago

This extends to every form of media. Kids shows like Amphibia and other Disney channel stuff have faster dialogue and animation sequences than stuff from 20 years ago.

Video games: FPS shooters have become faster. Halo was the standard back in 2003, but the Call of Duty overtook it to become way more popular. CoD is way faster paced and you die in 2 shots instead of Halo's 20 or so.

MOBAs: the entire genre is a symptom of this.

Overwatch: combining MOBAs with FPS is also a symptom of this, the amount of stuff you need to pay attention to is insanely high

Everything 20 years ago, and even 10 years ago, was just way slower and normal.

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    1 year ago


    Video games: FPS shooters have become faster. Halo was the standard back in 2003, but the Call of Duty overtook it to become way more popular. CoD is way faster paced and you die in 2 shots instead of Halo’s 20 or so.

    TTK (Time to kill) is a terrible metric to measure the speed of a game. Apex Legends and Overwatch both have much slower TTK than Valorant and CS:GO. Also, I would argue that Team Deathmatch modes are much faster paced than Battle Royale games, which have a lot more downtime and were huge in recent years.

    MOBAs: the entire genre is a symptom of this.

    Overwatch: combining MOBAs with FPS is also a symptom of this, the amount of stuff you need to pay attention to is insanely high

    It's the exact opposite. MOBAs are literally a result of players wanting to have to pay attention to less stuff.

    The first MOBA was a mod for Warcraft 3, a mode where you control only your heroes and all the other units are automated. This was a mod because in Warcraft 3 itself, you had to manually control and pay attention to everything. Not just your heroes, but also your weak minions, your workers, your buildings, all stuff that is completely automated in MOBAs. Go play the original StarCraft Broodwar and tell me MOBAs are faster paced than their RTS predecessors.

    Lastly, Overwatch is not "combining MOBAs with FPS", it's a hero shooter. It has nothing in common with MOBAs except for named heroes, but like, you wouldn't say that Mortal Kombat or Mario Kart have MOBA elements.

    • DrumpfYouABusta [any]
      1 year ago

      The earliest online shooters like unreal were so fucking fast most of the time you could barely tell what's going on. You would rocket and nade jump around the map so fast everything would be a blur. When I moved over to halo and cod it was like playing a shooter in slow motion. Idk how this person could think shooters got to fast. If anything they got significantly more playable to the average person.

      Also to op if it was taking you any more than 3-5 shots to kill somebody in halo you were just really bad lol.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Yeah this, I have played and watched a decent amount of Brood War and it's probably the biggest-brained clusterfuck management click-fest that's ever been created

      The entire goal of StarCraft 2 was to raise the soft skill floor and lower the ceiling, allowing you to do cool shit without needing the speed and precision equivalent to literally Mozart

      • SerLava [he/him]
        1 year ago

        And I'm not exaggerating - they make Flight of the Bumblebees look like fucking Mary Had a Little Lamb. These players can be hitting bursts of 10 completely different keys per second or even higher. If you have just 6 spellcasters and you want them not to waste all 6 spells on the same exact target, you're doing shit like hitting:

        lmb ctrl+1 lmb ctrl+2 lmb ctrl+3 lmb ctrl+4 lmb ctrl+5 lmb ctrl+6 1 T rmb 2 T rmb 3 T rmb 4 T rmb 5 T rmb 6 T rmb lmb-drag rmb ctrl+f1

        And doing that in the space of like 2 seconds where every mouse button click is on a different 20 pixel target on the screen, and then hitting another 30 buttons to reposition the army and oh, right in the middle of the first 30 and second 30 buttons of this single attack you're hitting:

        f4(camera moves away from fight) lmb z lmb z lmb z lmb z lmb z lmb z lmb z f2(camera moves again) lmb p f1(camera moves back to fight)

        to make like 7 units and 1 workers.

        Then now that you've cast those 6 spells you drag your view window around and reassign all your hotkeys back to the units they had been on before

        lmb-drag ctrl 1 lmb-drag ctrl 2 lmb-drag ctrl 3 lmb-drag ctrl 4 lmb-drag ctrl 5 lmb-drag ctrl 6

        That's all in like 5 or 6 seconds for these people.

        Every single keyboard action including P, L, and control+9 are all one handed by the way.

        Imagine you're boxing and you duck under a punch, you throw a punch back, and as your fist is flying you glance way off to your left at two numbers, add them in your head and then as the punch is landing you shout out the sum of the two numbers, and then you keep doing it over and over and over again for an hour.


        Now compare this full sequence in Brood War:

        • lmb ctrl+1 lmb ctrl+2 lmb ctrl+3 lmb ctrl+4 lmb ctrl+5 lmb ctrl+6 1 T rmb 2 T rmb 3 T rmb 4 T rmb 5 T rmb 6 T rmb lmb-drag rmb ctrl+f1

        • f4(camera moves away from fight) lmb z lmb z lmb z lmb z lmb z lmb z lmb z f2(camera moves again) lmb p f1(camera moves back to fight)

        • lmb-drag ctrl 1 lmb-drag ctrl 2 lmb-drag ctrl 3 lmb-drag ctrl 4 lmb-drag ctrl 5 lmb-drag ctrl 6

        To the same exact move in StarCraft 2:

        • 3 hold T lmb lmb lmb lmb lmb lmb
        • 5 z z z z z z z 1 e

        (Step 3 is rendered unnecessary in StarCraft 2, and step 2 does not make you look away from the fight at all)