Last time, two people managed to correctly guess the song right away without me needing to reveal any words, so I'm upping the ante by providing fewer hints from the get-go, as well as calquing proper nouns, and not writing down the non-phonemic vowel /ə~ɨ/ such that some lines will appear to have fewer syllables than they actually have.
Like last time, you'll find some hints at the bottom of this post, and the way the game works is that you can ask me to translate one word at a time, not counting proper nouns, and then you just guess whenever you feel ready. The catch is that except for lines consisting of only one word, I cannot reveal the meanings of every single word in a line — because I can't reveal proper nouns, either, this means that if I tell you what immejjesk means, I can't tell you what s' means, and vice versa. So, you have to think strategically about which words you want revealed — do you prioritize revealing shorter and more frequent words, or longer and less frequent words? — How much can you figure out from the structure of the text, or from inference?
Without further ado, this is the text in question:
N' Darokkin nga huyn, sjo
Immejjesk s' Xorongan
Sje : yayoyu sjtokkyu ngen u tmock
Uaynvu, na rung, sj'ya : an
Yamenuya nng zjeteyn
Dosjkette dnuya dar
Sjtru potoosk nga
Vya n' Darokkin : jar
Yenozju an yepotoeeyn nga
Lofku bonyusje
Yeyu an vurbyanusje nga
Sje re noosj he
Ua meni, k' yedri sulett:
Dum yafatta, fatt ran!
Zinyu dengsk nga varuy u xayay
N' yoeyn Xorongan
Benu an na yaaxal
Benu gun na yacjarr
Yabyakkottey Darokkin
V' nadetta yetaar so marr
N' Darokkin nga huyn, sjo
Immejjesk s' Xorongan
Sje : yayoyu sjtokkyu ngen u tmock
Uaynvu, na rung, sj'ya : an
Hints: about the song
Genre: folk music
Popularity: 250M~300M views on YouTube
Hints: words appearing 3+ times by frequency
Nga appears 6 times
: as well as an appear 5 times
Darokkin, na, and n' appear 4 times each
Xorongan, sje, and u appear 3 times each
※Words that cannot be revealed or which have already been revealed will be struck through.
Hints: words appearing twice by length
immejjesk ・ sjtokkyu ・ yayoyu ・ uaynvu ・ heeeee ・ tmock ・ sj'ya ・ rung ・ benu ・ ngen ・ huyn ・ sjo ・ s'
※Words that cannot be revealed or which have already been revealed will be struck through.
Hints: words appearing once by length
yabyakkottey ・ vurbyanusje ・ yepotoeeyn ・ dosjkette ・ yamenuya ・ bonyusje ・ zjeteyn ・ potoosk ・ yenozju ・ yafatta ・ yacjarr ・ nadetta ・ sulett ・ dengsk ・ yaaxal ・ yetaar ・ dnuya ・ sjtru ・ lofku ・ noosj ・ yedri ・ zinyu ・ varuy ・ xayay ・ yoeyn ・ yeyu ・ meni ・ fatt ・ marr ・ dar ・ vya ・ jar ・ dum ・ ran ・ gun ・ nng ・ re ・ he ・ ua ・ so ・ k' ・ v'
※Words that cannot be revealed or which have already been revealed will be struck through.
All this being said, it wouldn't surprise me if someone still managed to get the song right away without any hints.
Edit: corrected a slight error
Is it House of the Rising Sun?
What gave it away?
It took some real effort this time. Had to think about popular folk songs with this structure, and then used the repeating of the word "Benu" as well as the proper nouns to check.
Should I delete the answer so others can play without being tempted to cheat, or leave it there?
You put it as a spoiler, so I think it's fine.