Yuck, imagine asking regular working-class people


  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
    1 个月前

    But not everyone has broken even at this point, and that could be part of the explanation behind the continued pessimism. On average, pay gains have not fully caught up with the jump in prices since the start of the pandemic

    Dog it hasn’t caught up with jumps in prices since the 70s lol

    • cmhickman358 [he/him]
      1 个月前

      Oh they weren't talking about the covid pandemic, they're talking about Spanish Flu

      • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
        1 个月前

        Real income and CPI caught up in the 60s before trending back to the robber baron age


        (Noting this uses averages, doesn't account for labour force participation, uses taxpayer units instead of the entire population, the right hand side is log-scale, and is almost 25 years out of date)

        • Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml
          30 天前

          What a cursed graph. The price index is on a log scale while income is on a linear scale. Also the average income is already adjusted for inflation, which is incredibly confusing.

    • Dessa [she/her]
      1 个月前

      But this process happened much more rapidly since 2020

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    1 个月前

    Why are black people unhappy, we asked three white people who were just told black people exist 90 seconds ago

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      1 个月前

      Charlemagne is black lol. He talks about black people’s poverty being unaddressed as one reason for them turning away from biden, although he also implies it’s partially “memory”.

      But he might be white since Joe Biden told him he won’t be black unless he votes for him.

      • FourteenEyes [he/him]
        1 个月前

        In this absurd scenario the two groups of people represent other groups of people

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    1 个月前

    Because covid "era" welfare is gone, real wages were stagnant for two years, the jobs are dogshit, interest rates are unnecessarily kept high.

    All that said, U.S. is definitely doing better than EU. EU is super fucked lol.

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      1 个月前

      Much of that is included in the article. But they also include bullshit gaslighting about “negative media” and “nostalgia for better times”

      • Dessa [she/her]
        1 个月前

        Whitewashing history has that side-effect.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 个月前

    This is supposed to make you feel insane, but why? Do they really believe this?

    • Dessa [she/her]
      1 个月前

      They've spent decades destroying useful economic metrics so they had something to boast about every 4 years. Now all those measures say everything is hunky dory, but most people are too broke to believe it anymore

  • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
    1 个月前

    Charlamagne “$26 if you let us run a train on you right now” tha god, definitely my first choice for political insight

      • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
        1 个月前

        He’s just known for having absolutely no filter and saying completely out of pocket stuff constantly. I don’t think he has the greatest opinions in the first place, like definitely not really that on board with gay people nor very respectful of women, but I’m also convinced half the reason he does it is because of some “any press is good press” attempt to get people to tune in to his radio show. I’m always taken aback when I see him in mainstream media cause of the things he’s said.



        • TheGyattsMustBeCrazy [none/use name]
          1 个月前

          He's pretty okay with gay people, he cohosted that Catfish spin off show about Trolls, where he was pretty kind to the two feuding gay trolls. He also hosted a few pretty good interviews with a drag queen and challenged Boosie on his homophobia.

          I also liked that he platformed Nina Turner, mainstreamed the lady covering LA sheriff gangs, and got a proper prison abolitionist lawyer to grill Eric Adams and make him squirm.

  • plinky [he/him]
    1 个月前

    looks at quintile/decile data for income

    But what does it mean wowee

  • Pentacat [he/him]
    1 个月前

    They had no shortage of “regular people” to interview when doing a million “think pieces” on Trump’s 2016 victory.