• Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    1 year ago

    There was an episode where a patient came from Cuba and House told his team to ignore all possible diagnosis that could be made using the methods available in Cuba since Cuban medicine is so good they would've figured it out if they could have.

    So House is a tankie fascist, just like Bernie Sanders when he praised Cuban healthcare

    Edit: more seriously, House is a dick but he usually takes the side of people against institutions. Might be something there.

    • mittens [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The show has a somewhat left slant, it's pretty anti-cop, the first cop portrayed lived in a literal pigstill and was selling infected weed. Foreman fucking hates cops with a passion, and House allows him to indulge on it. He likes to fuck with insurance companies, he also completely fucked over his billionaire boss by publically shitting all over a renewed patent. If I was in charge of rebooting House, I would make him the DSA male manipulator meme.

    • TheWorldSpins [any, undecided]
      1 year ago

      There was an episode where a patient came from Cuba and House told his team to ignore all possible diagnosis that could be made using the methods available in Cuba since Cuban medicine is so good they would’ve figured it out if they could have.

      Hmm, didnt know this. Might check it out.