In bed
Staring at my girlfriend's tight ass
She's singing with some smooth rhymes
Hitting that estrogen like its going out of style
This is every morning for me
Yeah. He's flexing on us.
she rhymed rapper with crapper
And what has anon rhymed? I rest my case
Like I tried looking at this thread but it didn't load and then went to the other and it gave me an amalgamation of all the comments.
Only the miserable slugs on /tttt/ would be upset by this. A real partner would beat box alongside their gf.
I'm weird as fuck and whenever I get my blood drawn I stare at the needle, idk I like focusing on it
is that weird as fuck? I've always done that, it's like some instinctual compulsion, my body is going, "that's my blood, I don't know you".
That means a trans woman who is still mid transition and mostly presents male in public. Wearing men's clothes is being in boy mode hence boymoder
"Moder" means "mother" in Old Norse, and as we all know, Motherboy was a heavy metal band that used to rock pretty hard in the '70s, and we are legally obligated to make the distinction.