Also, I want to hear more about the Christman family fortune.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Someone got so dedicated to vomiting rage at me for saying "treats" too much about half a year back that I decided it wasn't worth the ongoing army of rage alt accounts howling at me over it, so I stopped.

    I only resumed saying the word "treat" in that contextual way again after someone here went full heated-gamer-moment and told me (CW: gore, suicide)


    to slit my own throat and die because I said Mortal Kombat artists shouldn't have to sit through slaughterhouse footage and snuff films, receiving documented psychological trauma in the process, just to keep their jobs.

    Loots like treat criticism was back on the menu for me. :SickoUrukHai:

    • Ossay [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Loots like treat criticism was back on the menu for me.

      in a way treat criticism is like a treat for you bean-think

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      I am 300% serious when I say you should write a 1500 page literary criticism treatise called something like "The Wages of Treats: How Porky's Slop Hypnotized The Hogs Of The Imperial Core"

      I would read it.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I'm tempted, I really am, but it might just feel like a retread of stuff I've already ranted about years ago by now.

        Maybe if something new comes out that really has it coming, I can go effortpost about it.

    • dachshundwithadesktop [any, they/them]
      1 year ago

      I for one am glad you are going to use it again. It's a perfect term for what its used to criticize. Sorry you had to deal with that harassment, but ngl, it's funny some loser would go to the trouble of making alts because they were so upset about their treats being called into question.

    • Ossay [he/him]
      1 year ago

      also i don't understand how they are still making mortal kombat games. they should have stopped after one

      • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        I really liked the most recent MK. Hadn't played one since the 90s. Then i heard about the shit the developers had to go through.... sadness

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        When they were silly comic violence I was all for it. The dae le epic realistic fad of recent years is unpleasant to me; never liked it.

        • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
          1 year ago

          Meanwhile, if you search for "[female character] fatalities" on Youtube, there's a disturbing number of videos that's "fatalities done to [female character]" instead of what you would expect with "fatalities done by [female character]." And the view counts of those videos are pretty big too. There's one that has 2.7M view counts. 2.7 million people watched some fictional woman repeatedly getting her corpse mutilated for 25 minutes. I think she's supposed to be an evil cyborg or something, and that seems to be the excuse people in the comments are running with.

          I was completely turned off by the fatalities of the newer Mortal Kombat, but I wasn't expecting "developers getting PTSD from watching snuff footage so players can use the series as an outlet for their incel fantasies of dismembering women" to be another thing to dislike the series.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            The unprovable negative of "entertainment has no effect on me" that some treat defenders trot out (demonstrating that they are already affected enough to get tribalistic about what doesn't affect them and try to shout down criticism of however possible) seems so glaringly laughably false at a casual glance that it makes me feel like I'm living in one reality and speaking and hearing into another sometimes. sus-torment

            Some dogmatically see a lack of 1:1 cause and effect as some sort of proof that no influence happens whatsoever.

          • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
            1 year ago

            There's one bug lady in the new ones that the fanbase fucking despises because she's the only new character that the devs and writers let accomplish anything and allow to kill legacy characters in the story mode.

            Every time she does anything they think either that it shouldnt have happened at all, or that a legacy character like the ninja clones should have been the one to do it.

            • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
              1 year ago

              I'm completely OOTL with the series after MK4 (there's like weird timeline shenanigans that just makes me go "huh"), so when I searched for "Sonya fatalities" on Youtube, I wanted to see a bunch of videos of the fatalities she had and compare her fatalities from MK1/MK3 with the newer games. I didn't want to see a bunch of videos of every single MK characters performing their fatalities on a defeated Sonya. Like, that's so creepy. It's not even incel shit at this point, but full blown serial killer shit.

              • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
                1 year ago

                Oh yeah thats just complete creepy misogynist shit going on, the only thing people have been mad about with Sonya in the new games is that they had a transphobic UFC fighter who cant act play her in the latest released one, and guys who make youtube compilations would just be happy about that.

          • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
            1 year ago

            I think she's supposed to be an evil cyborg or something, and that seems to be the excuse people in the comments are running with.

            Its much worst if its Frost you talking about. She was a normal character who was brought back as a cyborg randomly in the new game with a new motivation of being the better cyborg version of sub-zero with her own group of cyber frost ninja that are supposed to be superior. The cast basically treats her in game as little more a joke and she has short hair so the fandom treats her as the feminist, karen imitation of subzero. Given her new story it was probably the developers' intention.

          • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            I know which videos you're talking about- my guess was that the reason they picked frost was simply that graphically dismembering or disemboweling a cyborg woman with motor oil for blood was less likely to trigger Youtube's filters

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The upcoming MK is called Mortal Kombat 1.

        I don't like MK but I think the recent titles before this one had elements of artistic merit even if the writing and character animation were dogshit and as fighting games weren't especially good.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I hate when corpos practice "reboots" that are titled in a way that intentionally erases previous works. debord-tired

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago


            I didn't even go as hard as I sometimes do against the treats; I didn't even say anything directly against Mortal Kombat Historically Accurate Snuff Film Edition that time but just the suggestion that workers shouldn't have to sit through snuff film/slaughterhouse footage to keep their jobs meant that I was "delusional" about "privileged" video game artists (hahaha, privileged, suuuuuuuuure) and of course that I deserved death because I was uncivil by not kissing freeze-gamer ass and actually stood by my original point instead of citing holy conciliation words like "to each their own" galaxy-brain

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              1 year ago

              I mainly just think it's weird how they tried to play victim after. Like, there's something to be said for "You signed up to do Mortal Kombat viscera, what did you expect?" with possible answers like "Let them pace themselves," "pay for them to see a counselor before they break down," "Get them minimally-offensive content, maybe let them visit a mortuary or something and talk with a mortician instead of watching a dozen videos of someone getting fucking murdered on camera" and, of course, "consider if any of this shit is worth doing compared to the campier approach where someone explodes into 5 femurs and a dozen rib cages," but telling you to die and then acting like a smol bean is just baffling.

              Mortal Kombat is a weird case because the games are written in a senseless way at their core. So many of the fatalities aren't "Make sure he's dead" they are "tee hee I love mutilating corpses!" even when it's not even remotely appropriate to the character. It's just newage shock marketing, basically, and all for a game with shitty balance and shitty animations outside of cinematics. It's just not even good slop.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 year ago

                I mainly just think it's weird how they tried to play victim after.

                I used to hate the term, but "crybully" really does apply to some people, especially freeze-gamer types.

                I think that that freeze-gamer really, really assumed I would follow some poorly understood but dogmatically expected ritual of seeing their point (his point being utter garbage to begin with, because it was a claim that Mortal Kombat artists are "privileged" and can "easily find other work") and respecting it equally, which I will not do if I see that point as bullshit.

                Did you see the part where that freeze-gamer weaponized the act of having given financial aid to another Hexbear user as if that was a way of purchasing compliance, or at least silence?

                Why is that freeze-gamer not actually banned anyway?

                • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  Did you see the part

                  I did, that was arguably the most pathetic part of the thread

                  Why is that not actually banned anyway?

                  I just assumed they were! They should be a thousand times over, so maybe a few more of the comments need reporting . . .

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    I was uncivil and didn't respect their point about some workers being too privileged to have jobs without experiencing psychological trauma which means I must (CW: gore, suicide, heated freeze-gamer moment)


                    slit my own throat and die. But wishing death to me isn't the same as commanding death to me. That would be uncivil.

                    Treatbrained leftism is like adding sewage to a smoothie. No matter what the other ingredients are, it's now sewage.

                    Of fucking course their avatar is AVGN. cringe