I've been sick of the marketing push about this for months by now. Just let it be over punished-bernie

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    You're blissfully ignoring the Nolan spin on the story. It isn't some magically nonpolitical presentation; it is yet another Nolan spin, this time on Oppenheimer, complete with anticommunist bullshit mixed in which downright warps the biographical story. Clearly you're stanning for Nolan movies and made an entire alt account just to reactively rage at me to defend the good name of your favorite cryptofascist movie treat man, so I don't know what else to tell you except better get your next alt account made soon, you silly superfan. sus-soviet

    Forget about death of the author

    Yes, I rather would because it's used by reddit-logo types like yourself as a thought terminating cliche to excuse your own failures of literary comprehension.

    EDIT: I may have been mistaken about how this particular Nolan film plays out compared to all the ones I saw before and disliked for similar reasons, and I am willing to believe the testimony of one person replying who explained how the film plays out. That's nice, and I'm glad. On the other hand, the standard issue frothingfash toxic fan that showed up in the below comment chain (and made another alt account specifically to go frothingfash at me as of only ~30 minutes ago) reinforces why I like to steer clear of Nolan movies and especially their fandoms in general.

    • Yeat [he/him]
      1 year ago

      the movie was boring but i don’t remember anything particularly anti-communist. the politics were fine iirc

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        the politics were fine iirc


        • Yeat [he/him]
          1 year ago

          the movie doesn’t uphold that line though. it’s all shown from oppenheimer’s perspective, but after the bomb’s dropped he mentions how he found out the japanese were on the brink of surrender regardless and that they weren’t necessary, and also how it was really to intimidate the soviet union. the movie definitely depicts everyone and everything that happened as evil

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            You said it was boring, but you're going to bat for it.

            It's fine if you liked it; just own that if you did.

            I have personally been burned way too many times from Nolan ideology before, especially during Batman movies but not exclusive to them.

            • Yeat [he/him]
              1 year ago

              i didn’t enjoy it, it’s just that isn’t true regarding the movie. nolan’s a horrible director but i feel like this movie doesn’t have the horrible politics his films usually have, definitely not the level of his batman movies.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 year ago

                I probably won't see it, but if what you say is true, that's nice that Lucy actually held down the football for Charlie Brown to actually kick it for once instead of another "deep and thoughtful kino masterpiece with totally nonpolitical universal deep thoughts" wound up being "WHAT IF UNGRATEFUL POORS WANT TO NUKE CITY AND ONLY COPS AND COSTUME BILLIONAIRE CAN STOP THAT?" porky-scared

                • Yeat [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  LMAO yeah i was pleasantly surprised in that regard i was expecting the worst. none of the cpusa members are portrayed negatively, marx and capital vol 1-3 get name dropped a few times, stresses that countless innocents died from the bombs (and firebombing in tokyo), makes the american imperialists look like monsters (one guy didn’t want to bomb kyoto because he vacationed there with his wife), makes truman look like a monster, makes oppenheimer look like a huge dick even if it does show his guilt and later opinions on nuclear weapons, etc. also vaguely mentions how they’re testing on native american land. the only thing i can think of to critique it politically speaking is that it doesn’t really analyze mccarthyism at all and just shows the anti-communism oppenheimer faced as just some guy having a personal problem with him.

                  it also definitely has his best film making from a technical aspect but god dude it really is boring LMFAO i said in a discussion post the other day that i considered leaving at some points and had to keep fighting off sleep, but i was also in a bad mood that night so idk, i’m planning on rewatching it when it comes to streaming because i have been thinking about it a lot. but then i remember half the movie was just:

                  government bureaucrats: are you a communist oppenheimer: no government: are you disloyal to the american government oppenheimer: no government: are you a spy oppenheimer: no

                  on what basically felt like a loop lmao

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    I believe you and I'm genuinely impressed that Nolan showed some range considering the movies of his I had previously seen.

                    Ironically, I might have enjoyed the movie more than you did; I believe you saying it was boring for you but deserved a fairer appraisal now.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Did you seriously just make a brave alt account, just now, just to frothingfash at me again in defense of a fucking Nolan movie?

        I mean, it's not the first time, far from it, but you Nolan stans really are tiresome. debord-tired


        director (and hundreds of other people)

        Because hundreds of other people weren't involved in the Barbie movie. It was printed as a perfect pink plastic cube straight from the Hasbro factory, unlike the world-quivering BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAM that sounded the concerted genius of hundreds of divinely inspired nonpolitical artisans that brought the Oppenheimer movie to you, asking only that you make brave alt accounts to frothingfash at me in return for the blessed treat.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        assume 100% fascist

        According to you, apparently, having watched 6 previous Nolan movies and being put off by each and every one of them is not nearly enough fairly justification for me to not want to see yet another one because of the likely event of yet more Nolan political sermonizing masquerading as noisy kino.

        Someone already argued with me and convinced me that perhaps this one was a bit different than the other Nolan slop. Your toxic fandom nonsense in your reply, on the other hand, is pretty standard issue and tiresome.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago



            You made a fucking alt account to continue foaming with toxic fandom rage at me. what-the-hell

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            you're obsessed

            Lay on the ableist concern trolling. I know it's not your first time, oh very brave alt account. cringe

            • Fuckass
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 year ago

                It is when words like "obsessed" are thrown out, or the cousins "unhinged" or the like, all because I said I had reservations about Nolan movies after disliking a number of previous ones. I may have even heard, maybe incorrectly, that there was an anticommunist spin on this one.

                But when some hypocrite goes out of their way to make a brand new account just to concern troll me about what they called an "obsession" because of the above, yes I will call it as I see it.

                I don't even know what you're doing here but I'm not interested because it's even further off topic.

                You don't like me. You don't have to. It's still tiresome and you're contributing nothing by posting here that I don't already know.

                terminally online

                Harboring a slow burn grudge at me and seething about it for months, waiting for a mysteriously timely chance to come to the rescue of an alt account with zero post history except in this thread, isn't a good look and isn't going to change my mind about anything.

      • Fuckass
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Both movies involved large groups of people making them. There really isn't a difference there except that alt account thinks one is art and the other is not.