Me dumb male, me never use deodorant or perfume before (shower everyday tho). What brand or products should me do to smell good but in a low key way? Or just how to get start on the smell good journey in general. For reference, I live in a hot and humid place and I sweat quite a bit. Thanks you!

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Find a cologne you like and get feedback from friends to make sure it matches you. Then when you apply it don't spray it directly on you. Fold up a square of toilet paper to about the size of a postage stamp and spray it there. Then use this DIY "applicator" to do a quick wipe on the inside of your wrists, elbows, collar and the center of your chest. You get to smell good without it overpowering yourself or other people.

    Step 2 is find a lotion with a smell you like. Use that for your face. Use a cheap unscented lotion for your body. If you have a beard some beard oil can be nice to keep it looking healthy and they usually smell pretty nice. A little goes a long way with beard oil, and it may smell super strong for a while to you but that's because if its combed into your face hairs it will be right under your nose so get some feedback from others about how intense it really is.

    Step 3 is to make sure you are getting clean enough while bathing. Wash your belly button with soap and water every time you bathe. I work outside in boots a lot and my feet can get pretty funky so I use foot powder when I put on my shoes to help with the moisture as well as an old toothbrush to scrub between my toes during my shower. It helps a lot. Pay attention to your problem areas, which will vary from person to person. Some people don't have sweaty feet but they might sweat a lot in their arm pits. Hair can trap odor so the latter person might benefit from trimming their armpit hair short. With a good cleanliness routine and a little special attention to problem areas you should be fine.

    • very_poggers_gay [they/them]
      1 year ago

      . Then when you apply it don't spray it directly on you. Fold up a square of toilet paper to about the size of a postage stamp and spray it there. Then use this DIY "applicator" to do a quick wipe on the inside of your wrists, elbows, collar and the center of your chest. You get to smell good without it overpowering yourself or other people.

      my lazy approach is after putting on a t-shirt, i lift my shirt and spray one spray on my tummy, dab my wrists on my tummy, then dab my wrists on my neck and ears cool-bean