• Wake [she/her, they/them]
    7 days ago
    catastrophizing about work

    I'm really stressed about my job. I like my job, and I like the work. But I'm worried about the future when it becomes hard to ignore my transition. Its not a big place, there is only 15 of us. More than half are boomers who will be retiring in the next few years. Most of the rest of my coworkers are your standard variety Gen x Cartman wannabe types. But a few are really cool and probably won't be a problem. Both my foreman and the big boss really like me. I'm super productive compared to the boomers and I know things no one else does.

    But the work culture is shitty blue collar in a shitty Midwestern state. 80% of the work I do, I am in the field and alone for, but I do have to spend time at the shop. The city where work is located has some really strong anti-discrimination laws and they can't just fire me. Especially since I've had nothing but exemplary reviews every 6 months for the last 3 years. I'm outside of my apprenticeship, I'm outside of any probationary time.

    I guess I really don't want to be a target and I really don't want to get fired. Sure, I'm positive I'd win the lawsuit if I got fired but still I am stressed about the potential stress of it. madeline-scared

    • What_Religion_R_They [none/use name]
      7 days ago

      If you plan on hiding it then it might never be a problem, but if you don't want to do that then slowly "switching it up" (to be almost unnoticeable) is probably better than spontaneously coming out

      • Chronicon [they/them]
        7 days ago

        slowly "switching it up" (to be almost unnoticeable) is probably better than spontaneously coming out

        and unless you run into a particularly virulent bigot I feel like a lot of people will just be like "whatever as long as you are a good worker" once they finally notice, aka not supportive but not firing you for no reason either

        Still sucks hugely to have that axe hovering over you, but in a small shop where everyone is already familiar with you, I think there's better odds than if you're job hopping regularly