• Rx_Hawk [he/him]
    4 days ago

    Did this guy hear about the Dagestan shootings and really think “If we didn’t do this, we should have”?

  • ZWQbpkzl [none/use name]
    4 days ago

    IIRC the US didn't arm the Taliban, but they did fund the Madrassas that taught them. They were arming the Northern Warlords and the Mujhadeen. The Taliban came after the Soviets left and mopped up the infighting warlords as the Taliban was the only group with a coherent ideology.

    Anyways minor pedantry for against an already stupid point.

  • kot [they/them]
    4 days ago

    Are we sure Fehlinger is a real person and not a bit? Does he actually do anything other than post dogshit takes on twitter?

    • Droplet [comrade/them]
      4 days ago


      Gunther Fehlinger, 51 from Linz, Austria, married, 2 children is WU Vienna graduate MA International Trade, is serving as Secretary General of CEE BC, the voice of FDI & SME Business Associations in Central Eastern Europe, #SEE, #EaP & #CA & publishes CEE Newsletter cee-bc.org/en/news-2 Gunther worked as General Secretary of SME UNION, and before for Business Europe, in Brussels for 6 years & since 05 as development & investment consultant in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Moldova and is based in Ukraine since 2016. Gunther serves as President of Europeans for Tax Reform & twitters for ETR @GunterFehlinger

      Gunther was a Austrian & European Student leader & EDS Chairman and is 30 years advocate of EU, NATO, Euro, EU Customs Union, CEFTA, RCC enlargement to include free Eastern Europe in #West and focuses now on Ukraine and Balkans Integration and economic reform to complete Europe #EU37 & #NATO42 #Euro34 and #EAP13 Gunther can be reached @www.linkedin.com/in/fehlinger

      Secretary General, CEE-BC Uniting the Business Community of WB6-EaP-CA

    • TheWurstman [he/him]
      4 days ago

      No dude some people in Austria are generally this fucking stupid

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    4 days ago

    You have already. In pretty much every country and every conflict that borders Russia.

    In fact, you've gone so far as to start hiring random, war-broken terrorist day labourers for a pittance to do mass shootings and arson against civilians.

    What possible additional groups could you find to fund and arm?

    Oh, he's one of these racists who believes every Muslim person, including those just living their lives in Russia, is a secret potential terrorist isn't he? And that they should harness that.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    4 days ago

    I fucking hate these people. They keep doing the same dumb shit again and again. They never learn. Capitalism and imperialism is a death cult.

  • regul [any]
    4 days ago

    Isn't this kind of a dead end anyway? Chechnya under Kadyrov has been quite stable, with a lot of the armed opposition essentially brought into the fold. In addition, they achieved a lot of their resistance aims and were given much greater autonomy already.

    The remaining Muslim minorities aren't particularly concentrated or organized, I don't think.

  • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
    4 days ago

    Yeah let's destabilize A NUCLEAR POWER because those extremists won't ever HAVE THOSE NUKES AFTERWARDS good thinking conrad

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    4 days ago

    Gunther I love you baby but you can't be posting like this

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    4 days ago

    Go ahead, Gunther. Arm the Chechens. Kadyrov will appreciate the support.

  • plinky [he/him]
    4 days ago

    russia, i know you are dumber than most people think, but please fund RAF 2.0, it would be so fucking funnny