just the most obnoxious reddit brainworms. bleh

  • pooberbee@lemmy.ml
    3 days ago

    Everybody on .world thinks I'm a tankie. Everybody on hexbear thinks I'm a lib. I just want to be loved.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Everyone on hexbear thinks everyone else on hexbear is a lib, don't take it personally

    • booty [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Well that's just cause lemmy.world is like straight up fash

      It's ok though friend we still love you, read theory though

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        3 days ago

        "No, you don't understand, kicking out all of the Marxists and Anarchists definitely won't result in fascists feeling welcome this time, we are liberals, after all!"

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      3 days ago

      Libs were the real authoritarian tankies all along. Ask any country the US has invaded since WW2.

    • Mindfury [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Everybody on hexbear thinks I'm a lib

      you'll fit right in with the rest of us, there are no leftists here

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      3 days ago

      At this point I just have a .ml account for tech stuff and trying to lead uber-libs to theory, and a Hexbear account when I don't hate myself

      • MaeBorowski [she/her]
        3 days ago

        Yes, that's an important thing to remember. Instances like .world and justshit are largely responsible for dragging down .ml and other (relatively speaking) decent instances. On hexbear, we're used mostly seeing ourselves (obviously), lemmygrad, .ml, a little bit of db0, and a smattering of other little instances. The second you go on .ml, you're inundated with loads of the same shit we all thought had been left concentrated on reddit. It's not that .ml is that terrible, it's that it's too small to push back against the hordes of .worlders. And so the culture of .ml and other smaller instances slowly but surely gets degraded. Defederating from hexbear and lemmygrad preemptively by .world wasn't done just because they wanted to be "safe" from having to see opinions and takes based in a reality they like to deny (it was that too), but also so they could hold sway and more easily influence and dominate the fediverse.

        For everyone on hexbear that was gung-ho about federation because it would mean actively dunking on libs, if you were one of the ones (like me) who liked the idea of arguing with liberals and putting them in their place for all the lurkers to see how inept their worldview is, I very much encourage you to make accounts on other instances and help push back against .world's insidious shit. If you're a hexbear that has had enough of that shit and just want to chill in a leftist space, I completely respect that and would suggest that you not make accounts on other instances.

        Hexbear has almost fallen back to a state of existence similar to how it was before federation happened, with the biggest difference being more cross pollination with lemmygrad. Which is good for those I just mentioned who like to not have to see liberal and chuddy garbage outside of the dunk tank. But it's not good for .ml that they get so swamped by .world. I've said it before but I really do encourage hexbears who like the posting trenches to make accounts on .ml and check the same threads you read as a hexbear and take note of how drastically different the experience is.

          • MaeBorowski [she/her]
            3 days ago


            Y'know how we used to get accused of brigading but it was all lies? Yeah, we need to do that but for reals.

        • Egon [they/them]
          3 days ago

          I'm gung ho on federation because hexbear sucked ass pre-federation. Just a bunch of people congratulating each other on not being on Reddit, in between struggle sessions about dirt paths or tofu or whatever. When that wasn't happening we would be focusing on one part of the site that we deemed wasn't good for culture or whatever (looking at you, news mega haters). It was flush with power users that got treated with kiddie gloves because "that's just how they were" and any pushback got met with immediate hostility.
          Federation brings in new blood, keeps people on their toes, has made mods less tolerant, and made people realise that their mortal enemies isn't another hexbear user who has a somewhat different reading of Lenin or fried broccoli wrong or had a mass grave of outdoor cats (joke)

          I seriously do not understand the people who pine for pre-federation days. The site was stale and an ourobouros of personal grievances shielded in vague-posts in between reposted 5 year old memes from Reddit which we were glad we were better than.

          Sorry, I needed an excuse to vent

  • yff4 [he/him]
    3 days ago

    lemmy.ml used to explicitly label itself as a leftist instance. The removal of that one word from the site description has done irreparable damage.

      • yff4 [he/him]
        2 days ago

        .ml's description used to be "A community of leftist privacy and FOSS enthusiasts, run by Lemmy’s developers." They took "leftist" away around the time of the Reddit thing so they wouldn't scare people off, I guess.

        • umbrella@lemmy.ml
          2 days ago

          werent they supposed to be marxists? are they ashamed of not being fascists or something?

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 days ago

      Okay I just heard about this for the first time now, and it turns out it the mod in question was the same ml admin that hexbear banned months ago for sexism, they said something about all women being catty and men not being into drama. I remember reporting that comment from them.

      I just wonder how the hell did they last so long as a mod?

      • combat_brandonism [they/them]
        3 days ago

        That was the pedo mod, it was two other ml admins debatebroing hard in the dunk tank post that was disappointing.

        Dessalines brought the hammer down tho at least.

      • Chronicon [they/them]
        3 days ago

        lemmy.ml has open community creation ala reddit so mods there arent all selected by the admins. this user was given way too long of a leash tho, because he was a global south "comrade" (per the posted DMs of past infractions)

            • Chronicon [they/them]
              3 days ago

              it should... you might be able to work with our devs/admins to figure out why it isnt currently

              @makotech222@hexbear.net @CARCOSA@hexbear.net any idea why voyager wouldnt work?

              Edit: It does work with voyager, just tested on an older pixel phone. Hexbear is hidden from their list of instances you can pick to sign up for, and it shepherds you into lemmy.world by default but if you click "Log In" at the bottom of the welcome page rather than "join lemmy.world or pick another server", you can type in hexbear.net manually and log in.

              There used to be an issue where you had to type www.hexbear.net instead which could be why it didn't always work but that was changed a while back

              • underisk [none/use name]
                3 days ago

                Neat. Thanks When I didn’t see it in the list of instances I just assumed the dev did some kind of manual exclusion on hexbear.

    • Egon [they/them]
      3 days ago

      I still don't see how Davel defended pedophilia. All of his comments were damning of that weird CSAM guy, he just cared very heavily about semantics. I don't get caring about that for someone else, but I get it when people start calling Davel a pedophile.

      I've looked thru the modlog and his comments that are removed for "defending pedophilia" are all comments that point out what he's actually doing, and then asking how he is defending pedophilia.

      I get not liking some guy who cares a lot about semantics, devatebroism is cringe, but I don't get why we need to make up something.

      • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
        3 days ago

        It was the other admin that showed his ass the worst but


        Listen, you can say this isn't defending pedophilia if you want, but coming into that thread and dropping this turd is sure going to make people think that's what you're doing. Don't act like there's no basis in fact and don't accuse me of lying

        • Egon [they/them]
          3 days ago

          I guess I'm misunderstanding something, but isn't he saying he hasn't read through the thread at that point? Afterwards he agrees that the other guy is sus and disgusting wrt CSAM

          • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
            3 days ago

            I think you're underselling that this is an insanely bad take, especially when it's the first thing you contribute to the argument!

            After actually reading the thread, he switches to admitting that the mod had been repeatedly warned about misogyny and transphobia, but denies that the mod was defending CSAM (just a bad take about AI)


            And repeatedly accuses the person who brought up the mod's behavior of being the one causing the issue


            This is debatebroing, yes, but debatebroing in the service of defending their mods defense of CSAM. Absolutely disgusting in my view, particularly in the context of the thread. It sounds like you have a much more generous reading of his comments than mine, which is fine, but don't say I'm making shit up.

            • Egon [they/them]
              3 days ago

              Yeah I guess we just have different readings of the situation. Seems to me like he's just very particular about when someone is defending pedophilia, got called a pedophile and got defensive. But I can see how one could interpret it differently, because it is an odd hill to die on.
              Thanks for taking the time to explain your viewpoint to me

      • kristina [she/her]
        2 days ago

        Exactly what PMYF said. Its not lying or misleading, he straight up says "I didn't see him defending pedophilia" when that is literally the topic of the discussion, joker was and was banned for it.

        Also, hes been fine with transphobes and misogynists in the mod team before this whole incident. I think he should be perma banned simply for that, let alone this issue.

  • ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
    3 days ago

    I like it. Arguing with .world liberals reminds me of when cth was on Reddit, and Redditors couldn't decide whether they hated chapo or the_donald the most. I even had a guy name check me in a debate with somebody else in an unrelated conversation, biggest endorsement I could hope for.

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      3 days ago

      I used to like it more, now I am trying to unlearn my debatebro nature and just become a chill dude.

  • btbt [he/him]
    3 days ago

    Who knew that an entire instance of smug dumbasses who think they’re smart because they were in their high school’s Model UN would suck

    • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]
      3 days ago

      To be fair, being in my Highschool's Model UN made me very stupid.

      I was once in a historical simulation about Revolutionary China, and I slipped into a resolution a provision about killing all landlords via hammer and sickle lobotomy

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 days ago

      Our high school had a model UN but also a total lack of interest in it beyond like 5 nerds, so there was basically model UN conscription, I don't think I represented Chilean interests well on the national stage.

  • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
    3 days ago

    I sometimes tab off of local and then immediately come back because the quality of the posts goes down the shitter and no one's talking about beanis.