This is my cat, Max. His dad was a feral maine coon and his mum was a lazy barn cat. He is simultaneously weirdly crafty and the most head-empty animal you could meet.

He yaps a lot which is normal, he likes annoying the birds at our window. But also he will not stop eating hair? I don't exactly leave random strands of hair everywhere; my wife and I have shoulder length & extremely long hair respectively, but we always put stray strands in the bin.

Idk where he even finds it, but he eats hair. He loves to eat hair. He sits by the couch or our carpeted stairs and he chomps at the air, trying to grab a spare strand and eat it. He chomps like mad all day at random places. Occasionally I catch him dragging his ass, because he has a turd hanging from his butthole by a long strand of hair madeline-deadpan

Why on earth does he do this? How do I stop him? Why is my dog so dumb??

  • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
    5 days ago

    The face of a guy who jumped up on your bed at midnight and dragged his ass around on the quilt with a turd attached, requiring you and your wife to wash the bedspread in the bathtub by hand:


  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    4 days ago

    Occasionally I catch him dragging his ass, because he has a turd hanging from his butthole by a long strand of hair

    I love him

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      4 days ago

      He loves you too, he has a preference for masculinity tbh, he fucks around. Guy hates that he lives with two lesbians screm

  • PointAndClique [they/them]
    5 days ago

    Do they do it for fibre/aid digestion? If it helps clump the poo up (despite the long strands). Plus they ingest so much hair from self grooming anyway what's a little more gunna do

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      5 days ago

      Well small hairs are fine, hairball, but I worry about the strands in his intestines and stuff, y'know. Can cats get fibre from hair...?

      Also Idk, my boy has always been a healthy, solid pooper. He does puke more as a result of this it seems kitty-birthday-sad

      • PointAndClique [they/them]
        5 days ago

        Can cats get fibre from hair...?

        I guess because hair (made form keratin, a protein) doesn't break down in the gut, it could serve a similar digestive function to the plant fibres humans and other animals get through their diet. So not really fibre by the same chemical composition but fibre in the sense of 'long resilient threads'

        • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
          5 days ago

          The dog has an instinct to eat my fucking hair madeline-stare

          Uh is there something I can substitute that's less annoying and has lower chances of dangly turds?

          • PointAndClique [they/them]
            5 days ago

            Not sure, I've only ever kept dogs and we just kinda put up with their weird habits, like, eating grass to puke. When I've looked after friends' cats before they say not to worry too much about the hair. They use static or sticky rollers to clean their own hair from clothes and furniture as best as possible.

            Hopefully some long-hair cat carers can chime in with better advice.

  • Gorb [they/them]
    4 days ago

    Maybe get some cat grass? My cat likes to chew on random shit but if we give her some cat grass she will go to that every time. If there is no cat grass she'll just start chewing on random bits of fluff and hair on the floor.

    The downside of cat grass is it doesn't really stop the turd hanging on by a thread problem cos the hair is now replaced with grass although its not as bad. Its also generally healthier and safer and also she REALLY likes it and gets super mad when we forget to refresh the grass


      • Gorb [they/them]
        4 days ago

        They can do if she's eaten a big enough strand whole but mostly its chewed up. She's only tracked maybe 1 or 2 grass turds about the house over the last year

  • mechwarrior2 [he/him]
    4 days ago

    Reminder to anyone dealing with hair-attached turds dangling from more turd that's still inside your cats butthole: DO NOT pull on the dangler, you could give your cat anal prolapse or mess up their insides

    If you must, use scissors to remove danglers by carefully cutting through poop/hair, then just encourage your cat to finish their poopin business. Sometimes we just put ours in the bathroom with her litter box and close the door. Another thing you can do is dab some warm water around their butthole, to emulate the way momma cats apparently lick their little kittens buttholes to encourage them to go

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      4 days ago

      See this is what I was looking for, ty. I have always wondered about the health concerns, my hairs are like three feet long. Might try the warm water thing tbh.

  • magi [she/her, they/them]
    4 days ago

    He likes to eat our hair love, maybe he just likes the taste of queers? swole-chonk Fastest I've ever seen him move is when he was dragging his arse with a trail of poop attached Tfw half shocked and half bursting to laugh at how comical it looks anya-heh