• MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      4 days ago

      For real. 4Chan edgelord turned dodgy multi-millionaire. Here he is wearing an SS helmet on the Gumball 3000 rally for the 1% where they drive fancy cars fast on public roads until innocent people die in the crashes. He also makes some of the worst techno ever created.


    • Droplet [comrade/them]
      4 days ago

      I have a hard time taking these people seriously. They invariably try to sell an impression that the American empire is in a terminal decline, the dollar is gonna collapse soon that’s why you have to invest in Bitcoin and gold if you don’t want to lose your entire savings.

      I call them the “multipolar grifters” which have grown into quite an industry of its own since the Russia-Ukraine war started in 2022 because there is obviously a growing demographics of people (many from the Global South) who hold anti-imperialist views and are disgusted at the empire, but the “online leftist sphere” was too milquetoast to know where to stand between Russia and Ukraine so they lost nearly all the audience during those critical early moments. It took 6 months before those leftists even begin to say things like “maybe NATO shouldn’t be sending weapons to Ukraine”, which is already too late when you should have thrown your support behind Russia from day one. One reason to read theory is to know where you should stand from the very beginning, but online leftists never bothered to read theory so they don’t know what to do when the opportunities present themselves.

      • Collatz_problem [comrade/them]
        3 days ago

        TBH, I don't think leftists should support Russia, but being opposed to NATO must be a required position.

  • Vampire [any]
    4 days ago

    The whole world watched some political debate? lol no we didn't we have better things to do

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    3 days ago

    There are 2 wolves inside of you

    One of them is circling

    The other one is also circling