Going to a cabin in the woods Airbnb with a friend. I plan on music and good snacks, but otherwise don't really know how to set a good vibe.

How long does it last?

Recommended movies or other activities?

Edit: great tips and advice all around. My friend is not 100% sure they want to partake, so it might have to want for another weekend. I'll post updates if it happens

Edits: ya know a lot about drugs 🧐

  • GhostOfChuck [he/him]
    4 years ago

    A thing that always helps me when tripping is taking note of when I first took the drug. That way when it gets really intense, you can check the clock and do a rough estimate on how long you've been tripping and how much more you have before it ends. Time Dilation is fucking real and is crazy. There will be moments where a few minutes feels like an hour, and moments where half an hour feels like minutes, this is completely normal. Typically with Acid it lasts around 8-10 hours, with a few hours of "afterglow".

    Good music is definitely a good idea. I'd probably set up a playlist or something because fiddling with electronics and shit is really fucking hard when you're peaking.

    Edit also wanted to add that coming up on Acid can be pretty intense sometimes and can make you feel fairly anxious, this is also normal and passes as you get further into the trip. Typically it takes like half an hour before I start to settle in and get comfortable. having a blanket to wrap yourself up in or a pillow to hug really helps get through the come up lol.