Going to a cabin in the woods Airbnb with a friend. I plan on music and good snacks, but otherwise don't really know how to set a good vibe.

How long does it last?

Recommended movies or other activities?

Edit: great tips and advice all around. My friend is not 100% sure they want to partake, so it might have to want for another weekend. I'll post updates if it happens

Edits: ya know a lot about drugs 🧐

    • GhostOfChuck [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Definitely suggest this as well! Erowid is a great resource for all things drug related. It always helps to know what is normal for a drug that you plan on taking so you don't start freaking out at something that is actually pretty normal.

    • Not_irony [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Thanks. Everyone else missed I was doing this In Minecraft

  • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
    4 years ago

    You're in for an 8 to 12 hour ride peaking at the half way point. Honestly, just relax, put on some old school Scooby Doo, stay cool, and enjoy the ride. Still Woozy and Glass Animals are must listens while tripping too.

    Be sure to openly state if you start having a bad time or you're getting too in your head. Don't think that you'll kill the vibe by asking to switch things up if you're spiraling.

  • GizzKing [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Before going, have you used a test kit? If not, PLEASE consider waiting until you can test your shit.

    My friend dropped acid with me, only to discover later on that it was 1) 5 times the strength of what would be considered a typical beginner's dose and 2) laced with another substance, maybe PCP. He broke my jaw when he started to trip out and we both had to be hospitalized.

    If you have tested it and its fine, then definitely spend most of your time outside! Remember to put sunscreen / bugspray on beforehand, though. The strongest effects will last for like 6-8 hours, with the whole trip easily lasting 12, and you'll definitely appreciate looking at clouds / plants / the world in general. Additionally, I would suggest weed or cigarettes (if you dont think you'll get hooked, of course, and dont mind a little tobacco) when the effects start to wear off. I've found it makes the comedown smoother.

    I found that, on psychedelics, I very rarely have an appetite. The snacks will definitely be good for after the trip, though.

    Simple comedy shows or movies are good, as are visually stimulating movies. I wouldn't pick anything with too harsh a tone or with a lot of violence. Definitely bring some paint or colored pencils with paper! A fun drawing game my friends and I did was that we all took turns drawing different parts of a creature (someone drew the legs, then passed the notepad / paper to someone else who drew the torso, etc), but honestly, as others have said, any kind of art might be really enjoyable.

    A few additional tips:

    I just wanna say that, no matter what you may feel in the moment if you start to spiral, remember that the trip WILL end. I've had bad trips where I can't shake the feeling that I'll be trapped in the hallucinogenic reality, and I definitely agree with others when they say that its best to let go, enjoy it, and explore the experience.

    As others have said, blankets will be nice to snuggle up in! Also, just for safety purposes, definitely let a friend know where you are and when they can expect you to come back (say, the afternoon after the day you trip).

    Connecting with the other people who are tripping with you is fairly magical and a good trip is unforgettable. Enjoy the experience comrade!

  • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Remember to stay hydrated, if you're a drinker sometimes a couple of drinks can take any nervous edge off of the comeup (but don't get drunk), weed can be fun but it makes the LSD a lot more intense so I wouldn't recommend it for a first timer (it'll also make you trip more on the tail end of it so make sure you factor that in as well), other than that probably stuff you've heard before, go into it in a good headspace, in a nice and safe setting with people you trust.

    Maybe consider getting a trip sitter who has done it before if you can find one although obviously Covid makes it a bit harder to meet up with more people.

  • GrouchoMarxist [comrade/them,use name]
    4 years ago

    In my experience it can easily go for 8-12 hours (not hardcore tripping the whole time, but it takes a while to fully be off it). Be relaxed and feeling good before you take it, and then do something fun/outdoors. Don't sit around waiting for it to kick in

    LET. GO. Once you've taken it there's no going back, and if you're not enjoying it in the moment the only thing you can do is wait. Keep this in mind, don't freak out, just let go and enjoy the ride.

    It's fun and can open you mind up, enjoy it! I also recommend emptying your bowels before you drop if you can lol. And lastly, I personally get a huge kick out of eating pop rocks on acid lol, such a weird sensation

    • Not_irony [he/him]
      4 years ago

      We won't have anything to do that day besides enjoy our selves, so good looking out. Thanks for the tips, comrade. Looks like this might be a good time :crab-party:

      • GrouchoMarxist [comrade/them,use name]
        4 years ago

        I'd recommend bringing some weed too, if smoking normally calms you down/doesn't make you anxious, a little bit can help handle the come up if you need. Oh! And another thing, if me or my friends are having a bad time, we ask for hugs, and then switch to a different activity, I'd recommend that

    • ParodyTheLibs [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I've always used it during the come-up and down, but during the peak I feel only the negative aspects of weed are brought out. Much more paranoia, anxiety, and overall a wet blanket on the good vibes of the peak.

    • sappho [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I swear almost every bad trip story I've read has weed involved. For a first time it's just not a good idea until you're starting to come down imo.

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    How long does it last?

    For fucking ever tbh. The only reason I don't do it more is because it gets to a point where I'm done being high for the day but it still has at least another 4 hours left. Acid lasts too fucking long.

  • GhostOfChuck [he/him]
    4 years ago

    A thing that always helps me when tripping is taking note of when I first took the drug. That way when it gets really intense, you can check the clock and do a rough estimate on how long you've been tripping and how much more you have before it ends. Time Dilation is fucking real and is crazy. There will be moments where a few minutes feels like an hour, and moments where half an hour feels like minutes, this is completely normal. Typically with Acid it lasts around 8-10 hours, with a few hours of "afterglow".

    Good music is definitely a good idea. I'd probably set up a playlist or something because fiddling with electronics and shit is really fucking hard when you're peaking.

    Edit also wanted to add that coming up on Acid can be pretty intense sometimes and can make you feel fairly anxious, this is also normal and passes as you get further into the trip. Typically it takes like half an hour before I start to settle in and get comfortable. having a blanket to wrap yourself up in or a pillow to hug really helps get through the come up lol.

  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    The main things you need for hallucinogens are set and setting. If your friend is cool that's set taken care of. Cabin in the woods is also good. Nature is great and presumably there won't be anyone else around.

    Bring some materials to write/draw/paint with if the mood strikes you. Movies/TV are hit and miss and dependent on where your head is at a given time. Just a variety of stuff you like that's not harsh or scary is good so you can pick something that appeals to you in the moment. Just nature by itself will likely occupy you for a good long while if you start your trip during the day. Bring some blankets so you can snuggle up if needed or build a blanket fort for awesomeness. Anything that lights up or produces some kind of interesting visual effect is also a safe bet.

    Plan for around 12 hours of tripping and be aware that acid comes on in waves. Don't be like me and think man, I'm totally sober now, try to drive home and then notice that the road is peeling up of the earth ahead of you. Driving on acid is an absolute 0/10 experience

  • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Take it in the morning & spend some time outside - nothing more beautiful than nature. Tripping with the trees is the bees knees

  • Fuck [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Effects will last roughly 12 hours, but you'll probably feel kinda wired for 18 unless you smoke some weed in my experience. I would wait to smoke weed 8-10 hours after dosing on your first try, the effects of both synergize and can become quite powerful quickly. Bring some neon gummi worms. Listen to your favorite album

    • YoungMarxBans [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Weed can really jack up a trip though, heads up. For people who smoke a lot, it can be relaxing, but for people who aren't as prepared, it can take the whole experience to 11, and some people aren't prepared for that.

        • MorelaakIsBack [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          did this the first time i did acid, had to excuse my friend (he lived across the street and dosed with me) and go to my room, where the absolute state of the mess (coupled with friday night traffic on a busy urban campus) caused me to decohere into a puddle of quivering anxiety and noneuclidean spacetime. This lasted for a perceived eternity (but really only an hour) and then i was right as rain the rest of the night. Buddy was fine (made it across the street safely)