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What do you think are these good levels?
The website they sent it on says they are abnormal, but I think it's because the test is treating me as a cis male despite the test kit I ordered being for transgender woman.
(the blue is what my levels are and the grey is the reference ranges)
i am here to dox you from your blood test. based on your estrogen levels i have determined that you live at 725 5th ave, new york, ny 10022, united states
You forgot to say she's cute!
ty for the reminder
You're welcome ^^
oh i forgot to say it means you're cute.
Am I reading this right? Your testosterone is between 250-1100 ng/dL, and your estradiol is less than or equal to 39 pg/mL? Your testosterone is way too high and estradiol is way too low if you're on HRT.
The blue is what my levels are the grey are the reference ranges (for men I think) and the L and H represent if it is high or low.
So my levels with estradiol are 598 pg/ML for example.
Oh!!! In that case, your testosterone is lower than mine (I have no balls), and your estradiol is really high indeed. Is this monoestrogen? My friend who researches this stuff more than I do says if this is via injections you shouldn't worry about blood clotting. You may want to research sex hormone binding globulins and have yours monitored. I think it's relevant with such high levels.
it's via injections.
There was a bunch of stuff under "Estrogens, Total" that I cropped out related to blood cell count and hemoglobin and stuff, maybe it would be under there, but idk what key word it would be.
Probably SHBG. I just started asking for mine today, so I'm not totally sure.
don't see that on here
OK so maybe ask for it next time.
Not a doctor, just a communist that likes to stab girl drugs into her leg.
Your estrogen is really high, probably isn't a problem though. You could likely reduce your dose a little bit and still suppress your testosterone, ifn you wanted to. Was this taken before injection, when levels are lowest?
I do my injection on Mondays and I had my blood drawn on Thursday