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  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 months ago

    Everybody needs to vent at times and i'm not saying people shouldn't do that. I know how much good it can do to just write something down and hit reply to yell into a void, getting all these notifications in my inbox this morning makes me feel really hard how much a hug from some random internet trans stranger can pull at my heartstrings, and i'm not saying anything against that. We need to look out for each other, and we need a room to air some things out. That's not the problem.

    What fucking gets at me is when people can't take help or advice and go into this 4chan incel mode of insisting on how their suffering is an inherent part of their existence that will never go away. And i had waaaaayyy more of that yesterday than i could handle. I had to mute the vent channel on my biggest trans discord because

    tons of dysphoria, misogyny, SA

    this girl was just going full hog on the self loathing. You know the type, already looked girly before transitioning, very conventionally attractive aside from the dead eyes, ofc perfectly passing and then she goes on this giant posting spree of "HRT does nothing for me, i've drawn lines on the before and after pics and overlayed them, i can objectively prove that i've had zero effects from 20 months on E yadda yadda yadda." (in case i need to mention this, you could tell at first glance this was all bs) And after that, after half a dozen people spent half of the day trying to lift her up and talk some sense into her and offer support and reassurance, posts about how much she hates being in trans spaces because it gets her down when people talk about their problems. That was after some girl posted about barely getting out of an SA attempt at pride.

    So yeah, that was kinda upsetting. One more person on my block list, whatever. And then i come here for some relaxing shitposting with my trans comrades, see the /tttt/ thread and even the unspoilered stuff is more than i can take in that situation. Like, i know it gets better, i know there's room to thrive and feel joy for us and to go out and live our best lifes, i'm doing that as hard as i can rn, and i wish i could give some of that hope to others, but how do you do that when somebody is completely brainwormed? How do you start unpacking that kind of burden? How do i get through to people? I can't handle that very well. And when i can't handle a situation, i have to pull myself out of it and touch some grass, it's all i can do.