If we're talking presidential voting, then odds are always against 3rd party thanks to the electoral college. The majority of voters can vote for third party and the third party could totally win the popular vote, but the electoral college wouldn't allow that. Since the EC can supercede the popular vote, and most of the EC is bipartisan, third party will never win
It's not hard when you understand that the vote of the everyday US citizen ultimately doesn't matter because they have people in place to tell us we're wrong
I think there are other reasons to support a leftist third party in the presidential election. This is a time when a lot of Americans are paying attention to politics who normally would not. I think a lot of people are not sure what to do if not vote Kamala. Joining an organization that has zero presence in this election cycle is counterintuitive from that perspective.
Odds are if you continue to sanction evil by giving it your vote, that's all you'll ever get, but what am I other than just some guy backed up by over a century of american electoral politics, with the knowledge that anything ever good that's ever happened has happened after literal decades of armed unrest by pissed off workers
Literally name any right or privilege or fuck all you liberals hold dear and I could probably dig up at least half a dozen massacres committed against workers who were literally fighting for their lives to achieve it
Democrats: Restoring Democracy by Ignoring Democracyand installing their newest candidate