Someone bust his chops, everyone else up vote it. This fucker wants 1 billion Americans, what a psycho.

Don't like it? [down] vote!

Edit: Also don't cross contaminate accts by linking to your own post or w/e, or be mindful if you do.

  • GrouchoMarxist [comrade/them,use name]
    4 years ago

    "US policy in Latin America has been very bad.

    But it's important to specify what counterfactual we're talking about. If instead of bad policy we had good policy, that would've been a lot better. But if instead of bad policy the United States literally did not exist and the whole world was dominated by Soviet-backed regimes, that would've been a lot worse.

    So all told, throughout the 20th century the United States was a counterbalancing force against more malign great powers and I think the same is true vis-a-vis China in the 21st Century. And that's true even though US foreign policy has often been terrible."

    I asked a shitty question, couldn't think of something good... But I'm seriously nauseated that he's pushing this shit. We should pour lava buckets in his Minecraft house

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Domino theory is such BS. Most communist movements in the cold war period were literally just organic movements in the country; people wanting something better for themselves. What do you know, when a foreign colonial power owns most of the means of production in your country while your people starve, communism looks pretty good. While some may have accepted material help from the USSR (usually after the US/CIA had intervened), they definitely didn't want Soviet influence over their heads.

      Edit: also, according to Matt's shitty theory literally anything is justified because "communism is worse". Kill a few million folks in Vietnam? Well, communism would have killed MORE and no I will not show my work. Demonizing socialist countries and making up body counts serves the capitalist empire because it rationalizes the bad shit they do.

      • acealeam [he/him]
        4 years ago

        if you imagine all the cons of my proposal are pros, its suddenly a really good thing

    • cum_drinker69 [any]
      4 years ago

      Fucking hell, that's the stupidest thing I've ever read, especially if you're using Latin America as your example of why America is the lesser of two evils. "If the Soviets were there they would have raped twice as many nuns and disemboweled twice as many children!"

      Just a naive little boy in a fat bald clown's body, hasn't questioned a single piece of propaganda he's been fed but thinks he's "open-minded" because he comes up with these absolutely laughable ideas. At the same time, he's the perfect public intellectual for this country at this period in history.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hey crazy idea how about we just try and get along with China? I mean your idea is dogshit anyway Matt because Americans are probably more likely to accept a communist revolution than they are welcoming 700 million immigrants in for no reason other than "China bad"...

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It has to be some type of competition, it's like the only way America does anything it would seem. Using the Soviet Union and the space race as an example, the US would have likely never done like 90% of the shit they did if it wasn't for the soviet union, or as Amber says, "keeping us honest." And I do actually believe a lot of that is pretty true. It's really ridiculous though that is how it works here, humans evolved from cooperating and we need China, badly but it would appear at the same exact time if the US doesn't have a boogeyman, the average citizen might then become it or something stupid. idk it's not black and white like that and it's really hard to make rational sense of it all in the end

  • nobodycares [any]
    4 years ago

    is it just me or is "One Billion Americans" the lib version of the 14 words

  • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Hi Matt,

    Urbanist-related question here. We clearly have a housing shortage issue in this country. How would you propose that zoning and NIMBY-ism issues be addressed?

    In addition, along with the coming internal climate migration that is predicted, what proactive urban planning suggestions would you give to those cities mostly likely to grow (such as those in the Mid-west)?


    The best thing to do is to link federal transportation money to housing reforms.

    Yes let’s make it so places that don’t want to house poor people also have incentive to cut public transportation.

  • Chapo_Trap_Horse [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I'm really upset that one of you didn't make up some fake quote attributed to him and then made a link to it that looked like it was a from a NY Times article, making him enraged and making him click on it as fast as possible, but when he clicked it it went to a picture of pigpoopballs.

    • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Fuck, you need to be the brigader general of with posting game like that. needs a brigading presence, make it happen!

  • Enver_Hoxha [she/her]
    4 years ago

    theres already like 300 posts its impossible. the top post are probably bots and shit too

    • bamboo68 [none/use name,any]
      4 years ago

      oh no dont upvote this take its bad, post other takes i shouldnt upvote here

      heres a good one lol

    • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      The top post has 20 updoots, this post already has 10... That'd put us on the board already.

      I can't dunk or I'd do it

  • acealeam [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Matt is just an accelerationist, it's a perfectly defensible position. 1 billion americans is one of the fastest ways to collapse the hegemony I can think of

    • El_Pilso [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's unfortunately also the fastest way to turn this planet into a steam sauna.

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      At first glance this does sound like the Nash equilibrium outcome in a situation where every country's unilaterally optimal strategy is to aggressively increase their domestic populations primarily through reproduction instead of engaging in a zero-sum competition to attract immigrants. But this implicitly symmetric prisoner's-dilemma-style model doesn't map cleanly to our reality, where initial conditions are asymmetric: wealthier (usually western/imperial) countries who don't have strong xenophobic preferences can more easily attract and assimilate immigrants than poorer ones more likely to experience net emigration, which would have to outbreed the wealthier xenophobic countries (on a per-capita basis) to achieve the same ridiculous objective of tripling their population sizes.

      I haven't read the book (because why would I?), but Matty Glacier is in all likelihood aware of this asymmetry between the imperial core and the ex-colonies, and if he isn't a complete knucklehead would advocate for the US to focus on tripling its population size (again, still a ridiculous objective) by continuing to attract immigrants and beating other countries at the zero-sum migration game, rather than by attempting to outbreed (in absolute terms) the naturally-much-larger Chinese and Indian populations while tightening border security like an openly racist piece of shit.

      • TossedAccount [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Okay so I think I overlooked a third option of the US playing a potentially much-more-dangerous zero sum game to win additional direct imperial control of foreign populations and assimilating them into the US population through conquest.

        Check out this ridiculous exchange:

        [runtheroad asks:] We need more states, but besides Puerto Rico and DC domestic options seem limited. Which countries do you think would be the best candidates to become the 53rd state?

        [Matty answers:] Well, I'd add Guam and the US Virgin Islands. But I also think the US should consider territorial expansion. The Bahamas would be a great state.

        Are we sure this isn't just a reddit joke account pretending to be Matty Glacier? Or is he actually batshit enough to advocate winning/purchasing control of a UK territory like it's still the turn of the 20th century?

  • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Sort by new

    User plumstead just dropped a nice one about uncritically supporting CIA takes.

    Edit link:

    I'm sharing it in hopes that users here don't unintentionally cross contam accts linking to their own posts. Don't do that unless throwaway

    • Dyno [he/him]
      4 years ago

      So you agree with me that Westerns should stop telling Bangladesh what safety standards they need to have, right?

      yeah except im intelectually honest and dont pretend like the bangladeshi government isnt directly dictated economic terms by the IMF and World Bank in exchange for access to credit, institutions that are pretty much directly controlled by the EU/USA

      so yes except without being a weasely little liar

      This one was worth a laugh

  • neo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I scrolled through some of the questions and it was just incredibly boring stuff. Not even worth getting on my Reddit account to ask him an underhanded insulting question.

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I actually like this idea.

    Open the gates to Latin America and whites will be a minority

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Let's be honest, the US and Canada wouldn't be on board with expanding the Monroe Doctrine into an EU-style superstate if they weren't sure they would be the France and Germany of that "pan"-American union, with Anglo whites either remaining a privileged minority or encouraged to slowly replace Latines that can't pass the paper-bag test through gradual ethnic cleansing. (I say "pan" in quotes because obviously Cuba would be excluded for geopolitical reasons.)

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Holy fucking shit, how can he be this fucking stupid. Just skimmed through some of his replies, and dammmmmnnnnnnnnnn

  • bamboo68 [none/use name,any]
    4 years ago