As a transwoman, I understand that feeling of acceptedness within the Chapo community and I can imagine the feeling of betrayal that they must be feeling. I joined about a year ago at one of the lowest and most pivotal points of my life and the community has helped me to grow as a person and to really turn my life around for the better. I'm personally trying my best to provide the same safe and protecting community for trans and non-binary people here that I saw in the subreddit that allowed me to blossom so heavily. However, a blank slate means you let go of the things that happened in the past and we all move forward on this new platform, where I have taken steps to ensure that trans people are more protected so situations like this do not arise. Spamming the Lemmy does not constitute a move forward.

Marie stated in one comment that, "I was, unfortunately, misgendered by someone on the discord (and had been multiple times by that point) and so I expressed my feelings that not enough was being done to protect trans comrades." If they looked at the trans and non-binary dedicated community, they would see several points where I have provided updates on the site-wide pronoun tags (entirely separate from community flair, I might add) that are coming down the pipeline of updates, which I strongly pushed for and had the pleasure of discussing and brainstorming with the developers to make a reality. I personally didn't think the Discord had the capability to fully prevent misgendering because it would require someone to click on another person's profile and self-investigate? So how could that be improved moving away from the Discord? On the Lemmy, pronouns will be immediately next to your name site-wide leaving no excuse for misgendering going forward.

Someone else stated that "it’s kind of depressing that lgbt spaces here are empty" and "it raises the issue of what the priority is in affirmatively making sure there is a space here in chapo for our queer comrades to have a home, vs being a home for cis comrades to affirm their own perceived tolerance." It's hard to pull people to Lemmy when there is no guarantee I can prevent things like misgendering otherwise I personally would be trying to pull all of my trans and non-binary comrades here. It's actually one of my biggest concerns and I have addressed this concern in our space. I'm hesitant to really do anything in the trans and non-binary community until I can guarantee that no one will face dysphoria on that front.

I have discussed at-length with other moderators that I (and I can't stress this enough) DO NOT want cis people on my moderator board, as our people do not need cis people dictating the manner in which we can converse with each other about our trials and tribulations. Marie stated they want "reform" and for the "mod team to not be shit"? Here I fucking am. They want mods to be "held accountable for their actions"? I will absolutely swing for the fences for our people. "Will this ever happen?" they asked. Yes.


I have tried everything possible to make amends. Yesterday on the statement I made allowing for any good faith grievances to be discussed, I received countless comments telling me to “talk to the Shorks”. Getting specific names of people in the Shork server was no easy feat, but I did it. I ended up reaching out to Shorkena, one of the moderators on the Shork server that Marie was kind enough to put me in contact with, and tried to pull together a group chat to have a good faith conversation about how to move forward. I tried everything to reach some sort of agreement. They’ve been spamming demanding that their voices and grievances be heard since we opened the Lemmy and I have gaven them multiple spaces space to freely do that and openly discuss grievances and how to move forward in good faith and they shuttered.

I gave them every opportunity I could possibly think to give and they squandered it and even went as far as mocking me within their own server and digging up drunken shitpost Tweets to openly mock me about instead of discussing their actual grievances with me, which you can see in the Imgur directory below.

I remained hopeful throughout all of this that I could pull something off and end all of this, but I have concluded there is no good faith attempt here anymore.

For all of those interested, here is every interaction I’ve had with any of them involved:


  • NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    There's literally no evidence though. And even if some of these people are, it is in no way organised or beyond just a few individuals.

    • cummynism [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      To the point they turned off site registration. It only takes a few motivated individuals to drag a ton of people into this drama when they start seeing random people they don't even know accused of something with no proof.

      • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        drag a ton of people into this drama when they start seeing random people they don’t even know accused of something with no proof.

        literally me

        gave no fucks about the discord drama because, you know, i'm a fucking grown up.
        chanced upon this "proof" they keep shouting about, turns out to be not what they say it is.
        I tell them this, as do others
        they double down

        • cummynism [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          Same, I don't even like the discord either and I'm not a part of it, but accusing someone of being a pedo because you don't understand the context of a drawing then accusing everyone of bullying you when they refute a serious accusation, and just being an ass and constantly trying to speak for the trans members like myself who do enjoy this place really pissed me off.

          • AntifaEldritchKnight [they/them]
            4 years ago

            I read the entire 30-something page imgur album of discord screenshots. I really tried to understand what the problem with the furry art/porn is, and I don't understand. I understand being weirded out by it if it's not an appropriate place for posting it and I understand demodding them if they were forcing people to look at it. But I don't understand what the outstanding issue with it is now that they've been demodded

            edit just to be clear: i'm not a furry and i don't like furry porn, but i also don't kink shame. whatever consenting adults like to get into is Very Fine with me :zizek-ok:

            • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              the problem with the furry art/porn is

              it's chibi, they think it's underage
              none of them are furries, those of us that are have all said that the image they keep shouting about is chibi
              they refuse to acknowledge it, one implying that searching a furry site for chibi artwork would be "searching for drawn child porn" despite the site in question having a ridiculously good tag system and cub artwork being auto blacklisted
              and this is coming from someone who doesn't even LIKE chibi art, give me big burly dudes any day of the week

            • cummynism [she/her,they/them]
              4 years ago

              I am a furry and it's common in furry art and even regular anime to draw a character in the "chibi style" when you want to depict awkwardness or innocence. It's absolutely not "cub" artwork since cub artwork usually uses regular/realistic dimensions but clearly underage versus the "roundness" of chibi. You have some shorks coming in and saying clean slate good. Basically they got banned from the Chapo discord server for whatever reason and are now bringing their grievances here because some of the mods overlap, and the mods have said they want a clean slate where it doesn't carry over. It speaks a lot to their (lack of) maturity and not being able to drop old shit.

              Edit: They can literally make brand new accounts and no one would know or care, it's all on them.

                  • the_river_cass [she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    it's also literally a depiction of two adults who view themselves this way and consented to this. I'm not going to kink-shame over this any more than I'm going to go after people for DDlg shit.

        • cummynism [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          The only thing posted was a 32 page discord chat. Literally everyone has been asking for a summarization of WHAT you want them to do.

            • cummynism [she/her,they/them]
              4 years ago

              No they don't get removed, the user starts fighting with everyone and refuses to elaborate. They just get super combative and defensive and gets nowhere.

                • cummynism [she/her,they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Spamming fake alt accounts with slight variations of the user's name in question making fake admittances of being a pedo. It's fucked up.

                  • NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    That was some of it, certainly, but there was more than that. Besides, that you think it is fucked up shows that you are presupposing the accusations to be false.

                        • cummynism [she/her,they/them]
                          4 years ago

                          So post some real fucking proof or concise steps mods can take

                          If you actually did this then they said no I'm sure you'd have a lot more people on your side. Instead yall are throwing a huge tantrum.

            • AntifaEldritchKnight [they/them]
              4 years ago

              Nothing in u/TransComrade69's threads is getting removed by mods, she's been very clear about this

            • Irockasingranite [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Pretty sure if you post something here now we'll be able to read it before it can be removed.

              • NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
                4 years ago

                I don't have it on me personally, and it's pretty hard to find when it has always been removed, but I guess I'll see if I can find anything.

                • Irockasingranite [she/her]
                  4 years ago

                  Feel free to dm it to me as well to make sure, I don't think even admins can remove other people's dms.