• Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    11 个月前

    The annoying thing is when faced with this, white boomers default to racism instead of questioning the system.

    I've seen white boomers convinced that if they were "Black immigrants" that the government would be giving them their free housing.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 个月前

      I personally know someone who was fucked out of a full-pension retirement about a month before he was eligible for it, and he was credulous and bigoted enough to blame The Mexicans(tm) instead of the suits that decided to fuck him over. grill-broke

      • barrbaric [he/him]
        11 个月前

        Especially because they think I’m a liberal no matter how much I tell them I’m not.

        To the boomer chud, "liberal" is anyone left of Hitler.

  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
    11 个月前

    I had a roommate that dated a self proclaimed Reaganite that after a few months of being an aggressive alcoholic stopped showing up to his job of 20~ years, he was then very surprised when there was no welfare for him to collect.

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      11 个月前

      I guess when you hear about how it exists (and that's a bad thing) every day, you're gonna think it exists

      anyway lol

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      11 个月前

      Astonished anyone actually believes that shit. It's so patently ridiculous that I would figure they only pretend to believe it to justify their depravity.

      • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
        11 个月前

        The myth is so powerful that my dad has seen me firsthand get denied welfare and yet he still buys into "the blacks" getting it basically upon birth. Cannot make this shit up.

        • Mokey [none/use name]
          11 个月前

          My parents told me my entire childhood that if I go on welfare well never be able to find a job. My mom was incapable of holding down a real job and my dad was constantly in between jobs growing up. It's very stupid.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    11 个月前

    ppl in Orange County who spent 60 years voting against helping ppl and yet they are ENRAGED when they learn there is 0 help for them

    farquaad-point data-laughing michael-laugh

    They voted for boots stomping on faces thinking they'd get to be the boot and not the face

    • Facky [he/him,comrade/them]
      11 个月前

      I can't laugh cause statistically a few of these people don't deserve this. Plus I think even assholes deserve help.

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        11 个月前

        Yeah, with stories like this I always feel a mix of anger and sadness. Anger that these functioning adults aggressively bought into horrible shit instead of reality, sadness that there is a whole reactionary ecosystem they were never prepared for that sucked them in and spat them out.

    • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
      11 个月前

      tbf I've met at least one homeless person who had one of these. idk the deets though I'm sure it was a shitty half measure

      • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
        11 个月前

        You have to jump through some hoops in my state to get one. I looked into it in rehab. Also you can't get foodstamps if you still live at home, even if your parents can't provide money.

        • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
          11 个月前

          absolutely cursed as expected. the latter is also how tuition assistance is last I checked. parents can't or won't help pay? too bad, their income still counts against you by default until age 26

          • Mokey [none/use name]
            11 个月前

            No, if you file your taxes as an independent that isnt true. Basically your folks have to stop claiming you for a tiny morsel of money. My parents didnt want to do that and we both didnt do enough research so i got fucked hard for student loans.

            • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
              11 个月前

              Nope. FAFSA imposes much stricter requirements than simply filing taxes as independent.

              I was wrong about age, it's age 24 not 26 though.

              Here are the factors that will get you out of having parental income count against you:

              • being 24 or older as of Jan 1 of the school year
              • being married
              • being a grad student
              • having dependents yourself
              • being in the military or a veteran
              • Having been recently orphaned/put into foster care/emancipated
              • being homeless or self-supporting and at risk of being homeless

              *If you don’t answer “yes” to any of the questions above, you’re still considered a dependent student for purposes of applying for federal student aid even if you don’t live with your parents, are not claimed by your parents on their tax forms, or are paying for your own bills and educational expenses.

              Maybe tax filing status affects how much money you get even if it doesn't change your dependent status, but you aren't considered actually independent at all unless one of the above applies

        • ratboy@lemm.ee
          11 个月前

          On food stamp applications, if you say that you live with other people but that you don't share resources, then they don't include the other people's income. I wouldn't be surprised if that has changed somehow though? Are you a minor?

  • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
    11 个月前

    imagine believing generations are real. claiming to be a materialist and then falling hook line and sinker for bourgeois propaganda meant to divide the working class. lol, lmao

    Death to America

      • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
        11 个月前

        if you're going to do that, why not just use material terms like bourgeoisie/proletariat? why let age/generations muddy the waters?

        Death to America

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          11 个月前

          There are recognizable differences between generations, even if the edges are so fuzzy as to not be sensibly definable, and the whole concept is more of a social construct than a purely organic category. It's like race.

          For instance, look at support for LGBT rights across generations.

        • JuneFall [none/use name]
          11 个月前

          If you read Marx German ideology he describes the framework of how previous generations did create material conditions (by altering previous material conditions), they and primarily their mode of production creates social relations, those inform the super structure which in some way influences the base.

          The material conditions and the social relations of people in the imperial core is not only depending to their relation to the means of production and their class status, but also what kind of position they hold in the imperial global colonial extraction system, as well as the place within society they hold due to their class sub strata.

          For boomers (who aren't LGBTQ, Neurodivergent, disabled by society, BIPoC, partially women etc.) in the imperial core (or the west like USA) they were not only labour aristocrats in the sense of Lenin that extraction from the colonial countries to the core gives the wages an increase, but they also had a quasi hegemony and relative economic power (even when visiting as tourist somewhere).

          They also did use up plenty of resources, mainly channeled through actions of capitalists, companies, the state and turned away from organized social movements, due to their perceived "freedom" (and privilege). Their numbers did also mean that there was a new kind of material reality in which parliamentary logic dictated that to achieve power you ought to focus not only on capitalists, but also could please that part of population to do quite a bit of class warfare. Sure, this did hit boomers, too, but the term doesn't always mean ALL boomers.

          I could write a bit more and be more precise, but I think the general gist can be understood. Generations can't ever experience the same material conditions as the social relations of society which are structured according to class, are also sub structured according to age and access to family capital/wealth/property etc.


      • YuccaMan [he/him]
        11 个月前

        Yes, but is that necessary when we already have an established framework for class analysis? Age can be a useful intersectional category, but I don't see that it has much use in this case.

        • JuneFall [none/use name]
          11 个月前

          It isn't just age, but the age you were born and how it influences the social relations of yours to others. Young people in the US are having a much worse time since the contradictions of capitalism and the restructuring of the social net etc. came home. There is use it in, also there is a strong sentiment for applying specific generations - which are also location bound - towards class analysis here. The hate against the rich boomers which did profit from the rising housing prices (which other groups have to pay the profits and debts for) is also an economic distinction, but it isn't just an economic distinction.


          Generations often have false consciousness which is influenced by their generation and shared experiences, intersecting with class positions. The feeling of superiority (which stemmed a bit from economic power and hegemony) of white boomers in the 70s/80s is one that you will more rarely find in millenials as example.

          It is also a good shorthand "Ok, boomer" "when you worked without degree you could finance a house and a family of four with healthcare and holidays, since then the profits generated by porductivity gain didn't land in the hands of the working class" is succinct and clear.

          Marx himself did also talk about somewhat akin to generations when he talked about people who experienced some revolts first hand or second hand and how that changed them and their outlook. You of course can say "I don't use generations" and it is good to take this stance at first to point to material conditions, especially when people try to do non-materialist talk, but I think there are uses. Not worth for me to do a struggle session about it, though.

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      11 个月前

      From what I understand the thing described here is hard to disengage from generation. Sure you have young people thinking this shit - but pretty much only if they were born reasonably wealthy and as such would never have to fear it happening to them.

      This type of scenario sort of requires you to be some sort of working class (or small aristocratic failure) cause otherwise you don't end up with no money barring some "bet it all on crypto" type morons, and they just didn't need until yet so never realized it's not there anymore

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      11 个月前

      People raised in different times and places, in aggregate, believe different things and hold different attitudes because conditions shape people. That doesn't make "generations" as neat categories real, but it supports an idea of generation as a sliding scale corresponding to age within a given location.

  • GaveUp [she/her]
    11 个月前

    Boomer blaming is stupid

    They didn't cause the cost of living crisis, the US government and capitalists did

    They just happened to have much better financial conditions because the US needed to compete against the USSR during the Cold War

    • Orcocracy [comrade/them]
      11 个月前

      If anything, they probably have a pretty ok reason for thinking that there is at least some kind of safety net, because in 1975 when they last had to use it there was one.

  • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
    11 个月前

    This kind of dunking on people finding themselves in positions I would like no human being to find themselves in strikes me as kind of gross. If no one deserves it, they don't deserve it.

  • AlicePraxis [any]
    11 个月前

    not sure it's right to assume all of them voted against social services. and it's not like public housing has ever been on the ballot anyway. I know OC is a hotspot for rich chud assholes but those folks generally aren't the ones becoming homeless, are they?

  • Babs [she/her]
    11 个月前

    I work in homeless services. It's incredibly depressing how many people think America has a safety net that it really doesn't.

    • Nicklybear [she/her]
      11 个月前

      Yeah, when I was homeless, I was already beginning to turn left and knew that America didn't have much of a safety net. Once I was homeless for a bit, that's when I realized that we don't have a safety net at all, and ended up having to return to the place I was running away from. That experience radicalized me. Yet, I get people, including my own family, telling me about how good homeless people have it, knowing full well that I was homeless and me telling them otherwise. Just angering.

  • mazdak
    10 个月前

    deleted by creator

  • Pixel@lemmy.sdf.org
    11 个月前

    huh I would never assume there's free housing. Maybe at least senior housing with discounted rent, and I have seen those available.

      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        11 个月前

        hey vote against helping people while somehow also possessing an idealized notion of America that includes actually good ideas like “old people should have a guaranteed place to live”.

        only old people who are REAL AMERICANS (white, cishet, christian, born on the soil) and "worked hard" (owned a small business)