I'm not a muscle bro. I work out solely to be appealing to the horny lads and to be intimidating to fascist chads. That's literally it.

  • Wmill [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Thanks for the advice, I'll be careful. If worse comes to happen I do know how to fight, got green belt in karate wanted to go higher but had to stop because of money issues. Once in a spar I gave a guy what I thought was a light jab and ended up bruising his ribs. This was before weightlifting so I'm kind of worried about hurting someone. I think once people know me they find me sympathetic and leave me alone though. I think I'm average height 5'9" just wide, my sister says I'm built like a strongman. On predators I would say they are cowards. My oldest sister has lived with two abusive guys both taller than me but I still scare them. They had kids from previous marriages bigger than me but seem to be more beaten down by their dads. I think you can be scary still you just need the right attitude. My mom is short and round but doesn't take any shit. She survived run ins with the klan inTexas, two abusive husbands, and trekking through the desert to get here, she's legal now. She is getting older now but is still ready to throw down, we got her to use social fighting to deal with people now and she seems to have a knack for it.