He wanted to show me a picture of someone he was talking to. Slightly relevant to my previous post. Please send help
Edit: Guess I have to specify that I did not enjoy this, you animals lol
Damn, you couldn't have picked a better username. Do you need a therapist or the Volcel police? If this is not a bit then I'm sorry you had to go through that.
This is not a bit and I definitely need a therapist. If you’ve got a few, read my previous post. Pretty sure he’s sending his dick pics to random scammers in a cubicle somewhere
Fuck I'm sorry. If you want I could get rid of my post. Up to you. As for your father I don't know what to tell you. You're his child not his therapist. It feels almost impossible to change your parents and it seems to be causing you a large amount of distress. I know you care for him but there are some things children can't do for their parents. Is there someone maybe your father looks up to that could talk to him?
No need to delete the post. My mom is pretty much his only other support and she’s not feeling up to it for obvious reasons. He doesn’t have friends that he goes to spend time with. He has no family in the area other than his kids. I don’t even think he talks to his coworkers. His “support system” is these scammers online
Sometimes people can't recognize what they are doing themselves because of denial but can still recognize it in others. Maybe ask him about what to do about a friend going through similar circumstances. If he can see it as wrong maybe you got a chance and getting him to admit he has a problem but I can't stress this enough this should not be your problem What you can do is limited since he doesn't see you as an equal but his child. Please take care of yourself. You might only be able to reach him if you either have leverage or he hits rock bottom. Using children as confidants especially when they are feeling distress is child abuse you don't have to keep doing this.
Yeah I really need to set up some reasonable boundaries with him. I just don’t even know where to start
First step is I guess is realizing this is not within your control to fix. You might be a codependent look into a book called facing codepencence by Pia Mellody. Here in case you can't get it irl https://b-ok.cc/s/facing%20codependence Also maybe post something like how to establish boundaries with parents. Like what you posted feels like straight up bait.
Well yeah because I posted a long in depth thing about it and got no responses. I know how to get a chapo’s attention. This really did happen, though, I’ll check out the book, thank you
It looked like mine. He was in a sweatervest and nothing else. I’m throwing up
Well, that's a new euphemism for "uncircumcised" if I've ever heard one.
It looked like mine.
You can't say that and then not post hog to give us the complete picture, come on man.
He was scrolling or you were?
Never swipe when someone shows you a photo.