I ended up (allegedly) picking up some heat and i stopped dropping acid and shit right

i used to average (allegedly) 750+ ugs every two weeks and that was after i cut back from 1mg + a week when i was going hard

i want to be responsible but everyone i ask for advice on curbing wanting to keep up with how things were are complete fucking fiends

i told someone and they pretty much blew past how i said im trying to cut back and after (allegedly) the heat and the rounds im flat broke too

part of me is like ok these people want me dead (system, chuds, etc) and while cutting back on reasons for them fucking with me sounds good for prevention, they shoot first and i always have this heat so it would be open and shut like how they did everyone they keep fucking with and killing

im at these protests so you already know how they do people like that so i cant just have (allegedly) a sheet and weed and heat you know what i mean?

either way idk if you get me and have some not crackhead advice thats cool but 2020 is kicking my shit in so you already know

also fuck that orange cheeto can this scum piece of shit die already

  • itsstillyaboy [any]
    4 years ago

    ok so i made a throwaway for this throwaway because im serious as fuck

    everything is allegedly for a REASON

    the whole reason i titled this post that is because real shit people here are so paranoid and shit like you and the other headass in these comments

    like bro

    im here literally to weigh options that im struggling with and maybe get better advice than im getting because people are WILD

    when you tell someone maybe you dont want to slip back into eating stupid amounts of acid ALLEGEDLY with the burner around and shit and someone says you should combo with shrooms and xtc im not trying to hear that right now

    and i see mental health check ins here so why not try to get some help

    either way damn bro what the fuck is wrong with you nobody is trying to dox youre weak 12 year old pretend shit

    let me guess

    you had a g of weed or some shit and now you think you (ironically on google chrome or some clearweb browser with no security) are out here posting how xyz politician should die or some dumb shit and now you think everything is directly coming for YOU

    nobody cares, even the real people out here infiltrating are laughing so fucking hard at you probably, and if the only thing you can say is that im "somehow one of them" youre literally proving my point