What is this place? Who are we, and how did we get here as a community? What was some of our milestones or big historical events?

    • Duo [any]
      fyra år sedan

      chapo is the synthesis of early 2010s “SJW”- era tumblr and late 2010s “meme magic”-era 4chan.

      That's a great line.

        • Duo [any]
          fyra år sedan

          That was something people referred to on 4chan in the mid 2010s, when memes from 4chan started to seem like they were affecting real life. Think pepe the frog being declared a hate symbol, the bit about drinking milk and making the ok hand symbol being white supremacist, all these trolls that started on /pol/ making their way onto local news channels and real life in general. The whole thing hit its climax in 2016 with the Trump campaign, especially when Trump tweeted that picture of pepe. People on /pol/ legitimately (as far as I could tell anyways) thought that by "winning the meme war" they were winning the election for Trump. When he actually won, they thought that they "memed him into the white house", etc.

      • SerLava [he/him]
        fyra år sedan

        I heard some clips earlier, but my first full episode was the YouTube video of the one where they look at conservative comics. Truly a gem.

        • GamerCastro [he/him]
          fyra år sedan

          yup thats how I got into it, watching clips on youtube. the conservative cartoons one was amazing

      • TillieNeuen [she/her]
        fyra år sedan

        As I recall, it was supposed to be a joke about their podcast name sounding like a mixtape, but actually being a bunch of dorks talking about politics. I think it's one of those situations where someone thought they were doing a dumb thing with their friends, and then it got popular, and they were stuck with the dumb name they thought was funny at the time.

        • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
          fyra år sedan

          Felix was on another pod with actual black people and the host was trying to explain to him how bad of an idea the name was, and felix was just like "fuck man, its name i guess" and it was really uncomfortable.

            • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
              fyra år sedan

              Its in this episode of Ghetto News Network

              Basically the tl;dr is the host explained how using the chapo name is sorta like stolen valor for street crime and that if they cared enough to be pissed off by it, the circle around El Chapo could easily do something about it. It was mostly about disrespect towards someone who shouldn't be disrespected.

          • TillieNeuen [she/her]
            fyra år sedan

            Oh yeah, I can definitely see that happening. I think they figured it was fine and funny because they see themselves as the butt of the joke--they're the dorks with the badass-sounding name, but they don't see how it doesn't read that way to everyone else. Kind of the same energy as calling RBG the Notorious RBG.

  • Aklangi [he/him]
    fyra år sedan

    A miserable little pile of liberals.

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    fyra år sedan

    I always thought this was the official trillbilly workers party fan forum

  • RageQuittingLife [she/her]
    fyra år sedan

    The Kesha midi era of this site was the best version. New Chapos don't know.