Here I was, thinking this was gonna be someone who was tired of The Onion
Meanwhile, yeah, I'm sweating some shallots for French Onion dip
They're a nice allium!
And you can get a big bag for practically nothing, I was recently contemplating onions and they're probably my most used vegetable. Goes in just about everything, eat them raw, fry em, put em in a stew.
Shallot enjoyers are the crack enthusiasts of the onion world
The government is finally addressing the sentencing discrepancy between stewed and roasted shallots.
onions are so good goddamn i gotta make some onions. love to caramalise that shit mmm yummy
I fucking hate onions, but I'm interested in using them in sauces and blending the ever loving fuck out of 'em.
I use them when I can make them fit without actually having to bite one.
I do it with pretty much all of them. It's a mix of texture and flavor. Bitter hits me harder than most.
i got a line on some 100% vidalia that will put you off your face. right off the fuckin' truck.
I started saving the bulbs from green onion I bought at the store and planting them.
Now when I make soup or sauce I mow a little patch of turf I grow in my window 🍜 🎋
Hell yeah it's free onion and it looks nice when they all get long.
Hell yeah that goes hard. I should start growing some window onion as well
worst thing Paulie ever did in goodfellas was telling Vinny to not put too many onions in the prison dinner sauce
I'd like one raw vs. carmelized onion struggle sesh plz
So you have a preference, but aren't willing to tell us?
I will add both sauteed and raw onions to meals if it's somewhat appropriate.
I couldn't eat raw onion for years after I was forced to eat multiple whole raw onions in college. Still can't really but it doesn't make me nauseous anymore.
Yes, and we were all in a small room sharing one big trash can to vomit. The onion fumes were maybe the worst part.
Looking back, it was honestly a little traumatizing
Just a little communal torture to build brotherhood. /s
We stopped all the bad stuff the year after that, and the onion thing was probably top 2 worst.
Should have hit me up, I would've taken your place.
Also, what kind of onion?
Pretty sure just your standard big yellow/white onions
Yeah one dude had no problem he ate like 5
I love onions so much, whether as accents in a mirepoix or just a load of caramelized onions in a thing.
That sub is onion erasure and I won’t stand for it.
but also :
because you’ve shown interest in a similar community
what other veggies is that poster practicing their vile hatred on?
because Reddit, I'm getting massive "onions are a figurative stand in for undesirables" fash-coded vibes
yeah but what does it actually mean/what do they actually mean by it? not just what you assume.