How dare you cite your actual personal experience to me. Repent and accept Obamacare into your heart, or face a barrage of lecturing/accusations of being a Russian bot.

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
    4 hours ago

    I could benefit from getting a pain killer cocktail injected into my spine once a month, but insurance won't cover it because it's not FDA approved. Well it is, just not for my condition....but for my condition, so long as it was caused by diabetes and not physical trauma. They're $2,000 a dose, which I can't afford, so I just don't get them. Also I need dental work done, but I'm maxed out this year so I'll have to fork up $400.

    At least if the ACA wasn't in place, I'd have to pay money....or something idk I'm not a lib so I don't know what the excuse is.

    • FlakesBongler [they/them]
      4 hours ago

      Like, the fact that dental insurance is separate and somehow more fucked up than regular medical insurance is enough evidence for me to want to go nuclear

      • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
        3 hours ago

        Dentist: "Hey, you grind your teeth in your sleep. If you keep doing that, we'll have to root canal half your mouth."

        Me: "Well, that sounds shit. What can I do about it?"

        Dentist: "We can 3D-print you a mouthguard to wear at night. All it takes is scanning your top row of teeth and then producing it, which we can do in-house."

        Me: "Sweet. How much?"

        Dentist: "Well, you're insured, so that comes out to... $1,000."

        Me, fucking around and about to find out: "But I have insurance? This is preventative and the alternative is literally tens of thousands of dollars in expensive, painful surgery. Surely they must cover it."

        Dentist, laughing hard enough to have an aneurysm that their insurance won't cover: "lol. lmao, even"

        fedposting is the only summary of what I'd do to insurance executives if ever given even a modicum of political power.