This is from a report put out by the Transitional Integrity Project, a "bipartisan group of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders, academics, journalists, polling experts and former federal and state government."

In actuality, the project is all Democrats or "Never Trump" Republicans, including:

  • John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff
  • Donna Brazile, former Democratic National Committee Acting Chair
  • Michael Steele, former chair of the Republican National Committee
  • Max Boot, journalist
  • David Frum, journalist

This is not a joke. Liberal media has been covering this story and linking to this article [1] [2] [3] But they only mention the parts about Trump refusing to concede.

Right-wing media is talking about this angle, where Biden refuses to concede. Workers must have a full understanding of what is going on, so we can prepare & respond to the coming months.

I know some people here will be like, "oh that can't be right, aren't Democratic and Republicans on the same team." No, they are not. They both want to crush any working class power, but there are serious contradictions within the bourgeois class.

One faction of the bourgeoisie wanted to slowly contain China & Russia through building exclusionary trade agreements (TPP) and maintaining relationships with Europe. This would build towards world war at a slower pace. They see war with China & Russia right now as suicide for their class.

Another faction want to crush China & Russia immediately because they recognize the rate at which these two nations are building their productive base. They see a war later down the line as harder to win.

As the contradiction of capitalism heightens, and the American Empire fumbles under Trump, the former faction is under more and more pressure to act. Their "Russian collusion" plan and impeachment failed tremendously.

Now we are in a position where neither faction will recognize the election results, which will likely be the end of "liberal democracy" in the US.

  • SirLotsaLocks [he/him]
    4 years ago

    How legit is this? I don't think I understand, but is this saying that there's a large group of democrats who are setting up a plan that suggests straight up secession? Isn't that like very against their rules?

    • the_river_cass [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I tend to believe the report because I've been saying this is what's going to happen for about 3 months now. there's an additional bit of class analysis that helps here: there are two major factions within the bourgeois class and they've been building up to a major conflict for a long time. that's why congress is gridlocked and why the state has been made totally ineffective at everything but repression over the last 40 years. this difference is at its heart, economic. the financial and tech sectors have been sucking up all the wealth while, especially in recent years, manufacturing, agriculture, and energy (yes, energy) have been suffering. this division between the land-based bourgeoisie and the metropolitan bourgeoisie has been deepening and covid has driven that split all the way through by making one faction far wealthier, virtually eliminating the petit-bourgeoisie, and threatening to all but eliminate the other dominant faction. these groups will fight over control of the state because the stakes are eliminate your rivals or be eliminated.

      this war isn't the only possibility, though. there's also a good likelihood that the movement in the streets continues to escalate with the police while economic conditions for the working class cause bread riots to break out. the state will step in to severely repress the movement if that happens and usually bread riots wind up demanding the collapse of the state pretty fucking fast once that happens.

      but either way, we aren't looking at a particularly long horizon for this state. what comes next stands no chance of being communist but there will be a change and with it time to organize for a revolution when the liberal provisional government collapses for the same reasons that are driving the collapse of this state.

    • PhaseFour [he/him]
      4 years ago

      there’s a large group of democrats who are setting up a plan that suggests straight up secession?


      Isn’t that like very against their rules?

      There are no rules for the ruling class. Trump has said he will not accept the results of the election. Democrats are talking secession. We're in a failed state.

      I linked a screenshot of one of the war games. The once where Biden wins the popular vote & Trump wins the electoral college. In this case, the result was threats of secession and no resolution by February (when the game ended).