
A Denver parent's lawsuit that would have forced educators to display the "straight pride" flag has been thrown out.

Nathan Feldman filed the suit against Denver Public Schools, claiming he and his two children were discriminated against and that their First Amendment rights were infringed upon when DPS rejected his demand to add the heterosexual banner next to LGBTQ+ flags in classrooms. Feldman sued for the flags to be instated, and for damages of at least $3 million.

Feldman's lawsuit claimed, via Colorado Politics, that schools were allowing "nonbinary and non-cisgender students to have flags displayed that represent their genders but not allowing Plaintiffs to have flags displayed that represent their genders," incorrectly conflating sexual orientation with gender identity.

DPS responded that individual teachers made the decision to display LGBTQ+ flags in their classrooms, and that they are not required to display them by district policy but rather that the policy protects their rights to display the flag, as it is a "symbol consistent with the District’s equity-based curriculum."

"Plaintiffs assert that passing a resolution recognizing LGBTQIA+ students or staff without providing equal recognition to those who don’t so identify is an actionable distinction. Not so," DPS' attorneys wrote.

Efforts to make "straight pride" happen have continuously failed as they've popped up across the United States. In 2019, a "straight pride" event in Dallas infamously only attracted three attendees.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Scott T. Varholak recommended that Feldman's case be dismissed in August, writing that while he may "plainly disagree with DPS’s selected messaging, and phrase this disagreement in constitutional terms," Feldman had "ultimately fail to allege any injury except exposure to a flag that they do not feel represented by."

U.S. District Court Judge Regina M. Rodriguez recently affirmed the recommendation and dismissed Feldman's case, writing that he gave "no legal support" for his argument, "and the Court finds none."

This is the chud: https://x.com/natfartman < He Eve Fartlowed himself which made me suspicious but the account was made in 2017 and the lawsuit is from 2023. It's full of generic bigotry and follows all the normal guys I'd expect from a right-winger.

He's of course a realtor for Berkshire Hathaway. Searching around it seems like he's also tried to impersonate being Jewish to move to Israel: http://www.jewishmag.com/24mag/feldman/feldman.htm < The timeline on that doesn't match up and it might be another guy with the same name. He's only described as part of a "youthful couple" and would have to be born in 1980~ for that to apply. Potentially him but I don't know his age.

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    14 hours ago

    Efforts to make "straight pride" happen have continuously failed as they've popped up across the United States. In 2019, a "straight pride" event in Dallas infamously only attracted three attendees


    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      9 hours ago

      I can’t help but wonder if there is a huge rift between grillman chuds and pit new chuds.

      While it’s pretty obvious the bulk of straight pride is just trolling, I can’t help but think some of the people particularly in the latter group want it. Like they are jealous that their inferiors get one treatment they wish white heterosexuals got: fetishization.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      14 hours ago

      Photo of them: https://www.metroweekly.com/2019/11/two-men-showed-up-for-straight-pride-in-dallas-yes-two/

      The 2 SHFA organizers were hilariously outnumbered by pro-LGBT & anti-fascist protestors - and about a dozen police. Much later, they were joined by a member of the Dallas Proud Boys and a woman named Princess Vanna who claims she converted from lesbianism after finding God

  • Goblin [any]
    14 hours ago

    Turning my straight pride flag upside down each time I get divorced

    • happybadger [he/him]
      14 hours ago


      The flag for the Boston straight pride parade is something. They use the queer anarchism colours.

  • Angel [any]
    14 hours ago

    You'd have to be extra tilted against the gays to do something like this.

    Even the staunchest homophobes I've known would not even think to actually put this much effort into expressing it.

  • style99@lemm.ee
    14 hours ago

    You may as well fly a Nazi flag and wear the SS uniform if you're going that route.