• CallMeALibItsAllGood [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    In 1950, Israel was the first country in the Middle East to recognize the PRC as the legitimate government of China... Since then, Israel and China have developed increasingly close strategic economic, military and technological links with each other... China is Israel's third largest trading partner globally and largest trading partner in East Asia... Shared commonalities and similarities between the cultures and values of the two nations with ancient roots dating back thousands of years as well as convergence of interests have made the two countries natural partners... China's status as a potential world power has prompted Israel to maintain closer ties with China by integrating China's global influence with Israel's economic management and its regional strategic importance in the Middle East... Beijing has appreciated Israel's political stability and diplomatic ingenuity and sees the Jewish state as one of the regional pillars for securing China's influence in the Middle East and the entire world.

    Ay caramba!

    (this is good bait, @BASED_BALL , you've outdone yourself)

    • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      The woke Zionism that you see in the US today was what early Israel was internally. The original Zionist movement called itself labour Zionism. They were not really a capitalist country until 1985 and had an economic system that was arguably most similar to that of Yugoslavia than anywhere else, and in the world of international affairs also took the same sort of neutral position that Yugoslavia did.

      The special relationship you see between Israel and the US today was not remotely as solidified early on as it became post 1967 and then during the oil price shocks of the 70s where Israel became a vassle state whose main purpose was to prevent broad arab unity and in turn prevent even more established price cartels for oil.

      • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Two state solution is certainly not what's just, or even something that's easily workable, but it's the only thing that prevents that part of the world from totally imploding on itself that is also better than the status quo.

        I struggle to imagine a world where the BDS organizers get their one state solution goal that doesn't result in millions dead on both sides. It makes sense that foreign countries support a 2 state solution and don't want to risk this stuff.

        • Saif [he/him]
          4 years ago

          one state solution but instead of israel it's a world caliphate

      • CallMeALibItsAllGood [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, especially with arms sales. It's neat to support a two-state solution, but when it comes to playing with new, shiny military toys, money talks.