We need to ban Destiny watchers from interacting with general population until we can figure out what the hell is going on
Destiny truly is a font of toxicity. Vaush sprang up from that community. Destiny just went on a rant about how he hopes white supremacist militias gun down BLM “rioters”.
What a shithole of reactionary nonces
vaush: uhhh all consumption under capitalism is unethical so uhhh african kids are being exploited so uhh cp is cool because its no worse than african kids being exploited
dunno, but if he did, that's another thing that justifies my strong dislike of him
destiny for sure has some history with underage girls. idk if that's a pedophile or not in the technical sense, all of these libertarians are at least connected with it in some form or another
hacking embyros afaik. so you can pick a kid's hair color or sex or genetic traits.
That is really dodgy territory, and I say this as someone that could have benefitted a ton of it existed when I was born (it could be used to stop my genetic spinal deformity for example)
would be nice to not have to worry about anyone having spina bifida ever again, but noooo, racists gotta make everything awful.
fuck me but its stupid
It's largely made dodgy territory because of the society we live in. The technology will have a hefty price tag and the cutting edge advancements will be kept for the very rich.
Superficially, the ability to - for instance - correct life threatening or shortening conditions such as CF or severe arthiritus in the womb could be very beneficial. We don't need to stray into the more morally dubious areas such as severe global learning delay or whatever to find a whole host of illnesses and conditions that make so many people's lives shorter and more miserable. Imagine if you could remove susceptibility to childhood leukemia, or effectively eradicate Cystic Fibrosis. That would, in the right society be a massive step forward.
Trouble is that it won't be accessable for most of the world and even in rich countries only the upper levels of society will have the resources to access it. Then there are other implications. Do you think for a second billionaires would hesitate to tweak their kids' genetics to add another few decades - hell a few centuries to their life expectancy if it were possible - and it might well be a few decades into pumping serious levels of funding and research into it. Make them stronger, taller, whatever? Of course they wouldn't. This would just serve to massively widen the gulf between the working class and the ruling class as does damn near every bit of technology we develop under capitalism.
Noun. liberal eugenics (uncountable) An ideology that advocates the use of reproductive and genetic technologies where the choice of enhancing human characteristics and capacities is left to the individual preferences of parents acting as consumers, rather than the public health policies of the state.
It has shady implications and what not, but people in the replies keep acting like he has called for culling of the undesirables.
That is asking for the culling of undesirables. Decentralized individualist genocide is still genocide
I'd wait to see what the guy was advocating specifically, before accusing him of supporting genocide.
The "consumer choices" of the rich will be to become genetically flawless transhumanists who live to be 300.
Who is rich and who isn't in currently existing Liberal societies is extremely racially disparate due to centuries of colonization, enslavement and exploitation primarily done by one race - the race that now holds the vast, vast majority of the wealth.
This is just genocide with additional steps. This is the ultimate realization of the racialist project, to speciate as the "ubermensch" and actually become the superior race. Liberalism is just less overtly violent fulfillment of the same racial supremacist project.
That's what I meant by shady implications, but this GATTACA shit is science fiction right now. Are going to tell a women trying to exercise her reproductive rights and screen potential embryos for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy they are being racist genociders? Again, I think it's a complex question and wouldn't rush to conclusions.
Genetic engineering under capitalism and white supremacy is going to be a no-go for me. Temporary moratorium until we have socialism and decolonization.
Prenatal screening I've described is already happening and it isn't genetic engineering. Under capitalism/white supremacy new medical or educational technology will first be only available to favored class/race and help them get even more ahead. It sucks, but probably not a reason to stop people from getting treatment/education. I'd say those things should be examined on case by case basis. Like saying rich kids should have DMD and die at 15 just because some poor do seems harsh.
Reminds me of an anarchist twitter struggle session that happened when some ancom suggested that in ideal anarchist society fascists would be castrated, because there is a generic component to an authoritarian personality.
I mean... it would certainly prevent "mein oppa" stories in 2 generations
If health risk becomes heritable in the opposite way of it being heritable in feudalism (incest breeded problems), that rich have fewer I guess universal healthcare will easily become under attack.
yeah i have a genetic disease that causes me crippling pain and i have a 50% chance of passing it on to any kids i have. i basically have sworn off of having kids due to it. dont want them to go through the same shit as me. ill probably end up fostering people, because that whole system looks fucked to shit.
Eradicating genetic diseases is largely a noble goal, but what qualifies as a disease? How do you eradicate it?
Do you tell people with tay-sachs to adopt? Do you abort for putative autism markers? Do you crispr away male pattern baldness?
Imagine watching Gattaca and thiking "Yeah let's do this, seems to be going well"
To be fair it sounds like he was advocating for genetic engineering and such. It's certainly not actively genocidal.
It’s definitely not sus for someone to self-label as a “know nothing” in an era of rising xenophobia...
This thread contains bad takes. I suggest a discord struggle session for who can't see the light of problems being there
Discord, the perfect medium for struggle sessions that reset every 10 minutes