It's a tricky prospect, trying to balance hate speech and distinguishing it from someone simply expressing bad thoughts.

I guess I'm someone who came with a lot of poor, preconceived notions, and it took some time, patience, and radicalizing to arrive where I am today.

I've had some pretty awful takes over the years and said insensitive things, but it's other comrades who turned me on to better ideas.

    • modsarefascist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Did you seriously think that was my only interaction with socialists? Basically every other interaction was similar, with them being aggressive and dickish to any kind of outsider. It's not as bad these days but still is pretty fucking bad. See here....

      edit: I guess the guy deleted his comment but if he sees this, this exact conversation is one I had all those years ago. again this was maybe 06-09ish, can't remember for certain