What the fuck is that dome? This is the guy (Speer) wehraboos tell me was the best architect who ever lived? He can't even do neoclassicism properly lmao. The rest of the city looks like shit too.

Also mussolini tried some weird combo of stripped classicism and modernism and it looks real dumb. Like pick one or the other dude. Oh wait, Il Duce's too busy hanging off a meathook to listen to me.

  • hollow [any]
    4 years ago

    Well, its really not about the practically of form in cases like his. That giant dome is more than likely meant to be seen from thousands of meters away, and with the forced perspective from the road it probably looks insane. I was more impressed with what Speer did with, say, the vertical spotlight beams he used at some famous Nazi night-rallies, where the beams are invoked to recreate/reinforce the rhythm of the classical style and extends it upwards into infinity until they completely disappear. As pure visual phenomology, it was kind of genius. Reminded me of some Hogwarts dining hall shit.

    Source: naively studied architecture in undergrad, like that was gonna make my life better

    • nohaybanda [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Reminded me of some Hogwarts dining hall shit.

      Found the lib.

      • hollow [any]
        4 years ago

        I unironically disagree that its lib to connect Albert Speer to JK Rowling

    • disco [any]
      4 years ago

      I think you can get an idea of what it would like in that Wolfenstein game from a few years ago.