Smh my head, dude was my introduction to leftism

  • MoralisticCommunist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The only main issues where Biden represents a clear advantage over Trump are on COVID-19, the Supreme Court social liberties (LGBT rights, Abortion rights, etc), and white supremacy IMHO. After all, one candidate is firmly against chauvinist militias while the other tells them to "Stand back and Stand by". For that alone I would vote for Biden if I was in a swing state because with Biden saying Antifa is an idea, not a group, it shows that under him we at least won't have random leftists being locked up on the arbitrary charges. But on the issue of "working class struggles" we really shouldn't be fooled into thinking there is a significant difference. Really I want to see these progressive pundits and politicians start talking about all the different legal and civil disobedience tactics they are going to start enacting right now to prevent Trump from doing a fucking coup, vote shaming people when Biden is in all likelihood already on track to win the popular vote by like 9 points misses the mark of where our energy should be on this issue.

    Both Noam and Brie are wrong IMHO for assuming the vote this November is going to be even at typical American levels of democratic, let alone anything resembling a true democracy. Why is the discussion of whether or not we should vote for Biden important if Trump is already planning to invalidate all Democratic votes anyway? That issue is what our (ideally limited) discussions of electoralism should be about.