Smh my head, dude was my introduction to leftism

  • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
    4 years ago

    If they want stricter emissions standards they can just demand them, and they are.

    Toyota and GM and not part of the agreement, California can't do anything about it. It's binding to the companies that agreed to be bound by it, which I don't think is as effective.

    I still don’t quite understand what it is the federal government “took away.”

    The ability to do anything about it. The Clean Air Air 1970 specifically let the state of California make rules stricter then the federal government. This part was taken away.

    In 2018 California could stop Toyota from selling cars in the state if they didn't follow the emissions regulations, today Toyota has to voluntarily agree to be bound by them. They have decided not to, this is a difference.