If the waitstaff walk around on elevated platforms that bring their feet to roughly eye level you're about to become the wealthiest person on earth.
Unrelated but i saw a quoute from Lily Allen saying she makes more money selling feet pics on onlyfans than she does from millions of listeners on spotify.
You could have them all walking around on plexiglass floored catwalks above the dining area, with their hairy hobbit feet (we only hire the biggest)
Does that come down to spotify's monetization or horny power mainly, do you suppose?
Idk but we're never going to get anyone to work for spotify wages. Lily Allen says she makes more money selling feet pics on Onlyfans than she does with 8 million spotify followers so I think that's the wage floor.
was gonna say "what if it was shooters and all the waiters had guns" then I remember that was a real thing Lauren Boebert did but it closed down because too many customers got food poisoning
Giving service workers guns is probably the only cool thing she's done
There ain't no way I'm going barefoot on a bar floor. My shoe soles sound like peeling stubborn packing tape when I walk.
Sand floors would mitigate this, so maybe it's a tiki bar?
what if it was hoofers and it was just for the bronies?
If I'm not allowed to bring my dog inside you aren't allowed to bring your colorful magic ponies inside either.
I repeated this to my partner and his disappointment in me could be felt in the air. :p