I’m definitely not mad :angery:

    • joshuaism [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Thanks for the dunk. I guess I can understand that fear being entirely genuine but perhaps I understand it as being somewhat irrational and disproportionate given historical context. And perhaps it makes sense if you have no faith in your fellow man, believe in the disproven bystander effect, and insist on handling all matters in an atomic and autonomous way. Surely I'm not suggesting that people rebuff their lackluster, misanthropic suitor alone in a blind, darkened alley with total disregard for personal safety. But since we cannot prosecute and execute every creep and moron for minor social infractions then we should be able to provide them guidance towards pro-social behaviors.

      And certainly I'm not saying everyone can be rehabilitated and it's your responsibility! You shouldn't have to enlist an ally or comrade to tango with a violent jerk, sexual deviant, or dangerous stalker nor take them on yourself. All I'm saying is that you cannot dismiss each and every 'ghosting victims' here as deserving of that act. If they legitimately do not know what happened and why they were ghosted then they'll never get the opportunity to grow their emotional intelligence, address the issue, and contribute to their future relationships and communal responsibilities in a more meaningful way.

        • joshuaism [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I understand your explanation of how dealing with unresolved past trauma may be a legitimate reason for you to ghost someone who accidentally triggers your PTSD. If someone intentionally triggered your PTSD I wouldn't even call it ghosting if you immediately broke all contact. But libertarian-brained nonsense is believing that you never have to explain your behavior and have zero responsibility to educate and correct your fellow man.

          Thank you for this dialog. I don't want to just be some dumb reply-guy so I'll let you have the last word.

      • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        If they legitimately do not know what happened and why they were ghosted then they’ll never get the opportunity to grow their emotional intelligence, address the issue, and contribute to their future relationships and communal responsibilities in a more meaningful way.

        Tough shit. They need to figure this out for themselves. No one is obligated to give toxic shitheads who get ghosted the "opportunity to grow their emotional intelligence", you fucking creep