Are they just trolling us now?
fuck sodastream
i bought mine prior to Israel launching their genocide and before I knew it was an israeli company
i've been using the shit out of it for years but i switched to using SimpliSoda for the refills in October last year
I refill my tanks using a co2 tank that can be refilled for very cheap at a homebrew store. You can even hook one up directly to the stream and feed it co2 that way
plz tell me more, i'd love to not have to ship these canisters all over the country every few months
There's various videos on the topic. Here's a few:
Serious question: Does Sodastream have any competitors right now? The concept is good for reducing plastics and transportation waste at scale, I just don't want to support Israhell
I know a few people that have DIY'd alternatives, but they're creative types
This is way easier than it might look. It's less convenient to make on demand, but you can spend 5-10 min a week carbonating a bunch of bottles.
I looked into at home soda makers a few months back, my mother thought it'd be cheaper overall for us and with Sodastream it would have, but that's because their syrups are obnoxiously cheap compared to competitors. There are other companies that make soda makers that are highly rated that don't come with the baggage of sodastream. I was going to get the drinkmate omnifizz but couldn't really find a good source of syrups that I'd want to drink.
I bought an adapter and a tank to carbonate my drinks. I go to a local beverage gas supplier to refill the tank.
I like the variety of snow cone flavors from
Buy the concentrates, you save the most money.
I bought acesulfame potassium from here:
Just buy a used one and look up how to use your own co2 tank with it. It's much cheaper.