Haha yeah I'm a huge fan of glock. Runs pretty expensive tho, lol! But quality is worth it. Just joined a "shooters" ;) club. Also a great way to connect with my wife and daughters, to be honest, would've never expected it!
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How the de'il does glock mean "horse sperm"
I dinnae recall that in my dictionary
The Glock company also sells high quality horse sperm because Gaston Glock's second wife is a horse girl
Bit idea: Describing yourself as a gock fan without sounding like a chaser
Did you know because a rib cage is made of calcium it’s actually a glockenspiel not a xylophone if you play one.
I know 100% more about horse cum slang than I've ever cared to know now.
I mean you wouldn't fuck with a guy carrying a container of horse sperm