President Squid (???)
Look at this guy doing SEO by adding tags in various languages at the end of his post. Rightwingers are such ardent believers in the powers of Posting: just imagine some Brazilian guy setting up a bot farm to post anti-Lula screeds aimed at foreigners in the review sections of random bottom-of-the-barrel AliExpress products
Yeah I've seen these too. I've never seen it the other way around though. They're either getting paid to do this, or are just extremely deranged.
Why has the left allowed for the formation of such a posting gap? We should be blanketing every available surface from Google business reviews for local pet shops to Tinder dick pics with communist propaganda
We don't have so much money.
Idk but it sounds like a good bit
Before 2023, it was recently revealed these were payed by Bolsonaro using public funds. The army in Brazil, for some reason, documents everything they do, and theres enough proof showing all of these were created under orders from Bolsonaro and payed using public funds (The guy behind this had a facebook account named "Bolsonaro the Oppressor", or something like that).
Nowadays It seems more like really crazy people. These people are easily manipulated and have no family. They think they are part of a movement or whatever, or that Lula is going to take away the old cars and broken houses they have.
Damn, is there any Brazilian news that talks about this? I assume the bolsominions all think it's fake news.
I think even US news outlets were talking about this. I saw videos on Twitter that Globo TV (Brazil's biggest tv channel) was reading these documents live. I guess thse people just see this as fake news.
I posted the link to the entire document here some days ago, but it was all in Portuguese. The Federal Brazilian Police (Brazil's FBI) had translated all from Military talk and slang to normal formal Portuguese and explained it.
I don't think you remember, but all those people holding signs saying Far-Right shit? These were all made inside the Presidential Palace with public funds. The idiots left the fucking PDF files inside the presidential computer, a computer Lula would eventually use.