It's wild what people called a "salad" in the 1970s.
Nixon is the Midwestern Kwisatz Haderach. Despite being born off-world (California) and living all of his life on the coasts, he has perfect knowledge how to make the most cursed midwestern food possible, by intuition.
Nixon is the Midwestern Kwisatz Haderach
Yep, this is gonna rattle around in my brain for fuckin ever
Bless the Culver's and His root beer.
Bless the coming and going of Him.
May His passage cleanse the world.
May He keep the world for His people.
Literally the worst sentence ever put to paper, and yes, I'm including the entirety of Hitler and Mussolini's works here
Whipped cream doesn't need to have sugar. This could literally just be straight up cream that has been whipped. We do something similar for a pizza sauce at work, not with mayonnaise tho cause ew
I know, but the sheer boomer power of this makes me think it's Cool Whip mixed with Miracle Whip lmao
Most vegan whipped cream is just original recipe Cool Whip (they added milk powder in 2008, prior it had been vegan) so that is the whip I know
Oh yeah I wanna see the custardy off-white of a mayo and whipped cream tucked up in the little ridges from the mold... a strange oily sheen catching the light like that of a cheap baker's frosting made from confectioners sugar, tap water, lemon juice, and some vile, decades-expired petroleum based food coloring
It just keeps getting worse and worse as it goes
Is it bad that I kinda want to try making this monstrosity? I'm so morbidly curious what this would actually end up like but I also don't want to waste food, money, & time on what's essentially a bit
It's gonna taste like shit
Lemon Jell-O is the worst Jell-O, then you add grapefruit, mayo and whipped cream?
No, this is a bad idea, a true cognitohazard, solidified gastroterror
Censorship is good sometimes
Oh absolutely theres no way this is appetizing in the slightest. I'm pretty sure to eat this thing you'd have had to chainsmoked unfiltered cigarettes for a decade or two in order for your tastebuds to be sufficiently suppressed.
If I could make a tiny portion I'd give it a shot but I'm not wasting good food on this
Wasn't his last meal in the WH just like orange juice, pineapple, and cottage cheese too?
When you grew up in the depression and then ww2 and immediately after the processed food they developed during the war hits store shelves!
Everything about that sounds awful
Just eat guacamole, it's infinitely better
Spread that on some toast and bring peace to feuding boomers and millennials
Frankly I'd call this "The Devil's Cabaret", I don't even care if that's not what it's called in English
Sent from Mdewakanton Dakota lands / Sept. 29 1837
Treaty with the Sioux of September 29th, 1837
"We Will Talk of Nothing Else": Dakota Interpretations of the Treaty of 1837