Lmao there is something very fucked up about the media referring to non-fictional real events as lore.
Has anyone written about the internet as a meaning-destroying machine?
I feel it's less of an internet problem and more of a problem of capitalism favouring turning things into buzz words and simplifying things to "sell" an idea in as few a words as possible.
Things become a game of using words as and association device to create vibes than use them for any real meaning.
I, for one, approve of the term "lore" returning to broader use and eventually shedding its fandom connotation
Look into Anglish, which is Modern English without the French. "Bibliology" becomes "booklore." "-lore" is basically the replacement for "-ology" root. "Biology" becomes "lifelore," for another example.
Lore just means "inane details" most of the time now anyways lol