Unlike twitters libs I don't think it was the reason why he lost, or even a big reason why. But it's pretty depressing to look at them all in hindsight.

    • jareducation [he/him]
      4 years ago

      She seems to be one of the better ones, but she gets in just bizarre twitter arguments. Like I get 'owning the libs' and all that, but it seems like a waste of breathe most of the time

  • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    You almost have to be a grifter or a moron to be a full-time campaign staffer for a Democrat, even Bernie. No offense to any comrades here who joined up, but random working class people can't just drop everything for an uncertain, high stress job that pays almost nothing. You have to have a grift planned or lots of money to back you up or a just a fanatical belief

    • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Mugrimm had some interesting tweets in this regard earlier this week. Talking about how the trust fund crowd couldn't conceptualize not having savings, and the shame of pawning a TV just to eat, and having to lie to roommates about it.

      • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        That thread was pretty telling because the old-money rich people don't fret over splitting a hotel room 7 ways at $120 a pop. If someone doesn't have the money, they just cover it because $100 or whatever truly doesn't even register for them. And the sort of people who are volunteering for a "socialist" candidate should be the type who are even more generous and sympathetic towards poverty than normal rich assholes. Only completley anti-social, grifter types are going to press someone to cover their share when they are hard up.

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is pretty much one of the reasons his campaign sunk besides the Dems fucking him over for that senile old rapist they are running now. He had few people working for him that actually knew what they were doing.

    Sanders hurt himself too by trying to walk a fine line between making the Democratic party happy and running himself as an anti-establishment candidate It was not the same as Trump who spent most of his time in 2016 attacking the GOP and painting himself as a true anti-establishment candidate. Trump was bullying the GOP into submission that entire election season. He showed them no mercy. Sanders on the other hand acted scared to attack any of them, especially Biden cause that was "my good friend Joe".

    So many out there don't want to criticize Sanders for making mistakes with his campaign but he absolutely did. The Democratic party has the same problem Labour in the UK have, where they would much rather be a party of protest than actually governing. We saw this back in the Obama years when they managed to piss away all branches of the government by refusing to ram policy and actually do stuff.

  • Will2Live [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It seems like Bernie turned out to be grifter or moron or both

  • ElChango [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Right and when I asked unironically if I could get my $150 back you libs said "but his staffers! healthcare!" No I'm not bitter why do you ask