Everyone take a moment to mourn the mayonnaise jars full of cash stuffed in crawlspaces
Cracks me up when these bazinga brains are so bad at extremely basic reliability practices. Really, you thought a Very Important String only stored as a paper copy in a single physical location was a good idea?
Important documents with a single copy are not a new thing but usually you put them in a fireproof safe or safe deposit box if you're not a moron
A printed copy of a bitcoin private key isn't required to be single-copy by design though, they're only single-copy if you're a dipshit.
In fact, they're only paper-only if you're an extreme dipshit. They're digital in the first place, it's trivially easy to securely store backups, ideally they'd be encrypted and backed up somewhere on the internet but even if you were too paranoid for that it's not hard to encrypt them and put them on a USB drive kept on your person, and on a backup drive in a safe deposit box.
There's a whole universe of ways to back up your very large amounts of fake digital money, it's kind of hilarious to me as a tech worker concerned with reliability that these bazinga-brained morons invented their own security-best-practices and know just enough about ~ technology ~ in general to purchase and physically lose large amounts of bitcoin
This fire might end up being Carbon neutral when you consider all the holidays that end up getting cancelled
Crypto accelerates climate change which causes disasters which increases the value of remaining wallets which prompts more crypto which accelerates climate change which causes disasters which
Hey guys is my fiat currency under threat by a challenger that exponentially reduces the rate new liquidity gets generated over time and when existing stocks can be rendered immediately and permanently illiquid by a natural disaster?
(&or uncle bert forgetting where he put his post it)
A currency that's stored old timey "money in the mattress" style is real great.
Well where else am I supposed to put it? In a bank!? No, that's too reasonable.