• Iminhere3000 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yes, thank you. This is such a foundational part of MLM theory that many on the US left need hammered into their brains.

      • FireAxel [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Is AOC a MLM? Or a ML? Or even a M??

        No, so why are so many people here talking about her like she is? If you're anti-electorialism, then what the fuck does it matter that AOC (a soc-dem) watered down a Green Party (a barely functioning electoral party) proposal? Like, it should literally be of no significance to you.

        EDIT: "OMG a soc-dem did something all soc-dems do, I cannot believe this has happened... and even though I think electoral politics is pointless and I'm a full-blown Marxist, I'll act angry and shocked by this surprising and unexpected news about what this soc-dem did." This is what some of you sound like. A lot of you keep putting her up like she's a full-blown socialist and acts disappointed every time she does something when she never claimed to be that. Same with Bernie.

        • gayposter69420 [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          yeah like I don't think people realize that ballot access is an intentional wall that will make any third party pointless

          welcome to the hard reality of how fucked America is

    • gayposter69420 [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      There will never gonna be a “big” and “leftist” enough caucus to change the policies of the DNC and reform it or push it towards even social democracy, let alone socialism. How mcuh clearer can this be

      Buddy, you're making a strawman here to argue against - you're arguing exactly what I am here. I'm not saying AOC is the end-all-be-all of politics. I come from a union family and it's pretty crystal clear to me what the real effort needs to be in is radical labour organization in minimum wage jobs, especially during the pandemic, as something with a ton of value and yet doable in the status quo. If you're idealizing ONE way to get to socialism you're thinking about it all wrong. AOC is the best we can do for an elected rep now. That doesn't mean she's the best we should hope for in 2022, or that maybe we shouldn't expand our hopes too much. We don't know until it happens.

      There is still value in having demsocs in office as the best-case scenario for one election, and hoping they go on to do more. This isn't a more moderated version of leftism, meant to expand the appeal (like the neoliberal turn of the 90s for the Democrats) to white grievance voters, this is the first actual ratchet left of American politics in decades in terms of how congress is ideologically composed, probably since Bernie was first elected

        • gayposter69420 [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          you just used two paragraphs to assert things aren't going to happen but you don't outline any of the historical cases you're talking about, or any sort of fundamental theoretical underpinning; sorry but just asserting something six times in a row doesn't make it true or guaranteed

          that's pretty telling

            • gayposter69420 [she/her,they/them]
              4 years ago

              the difference is all of those countries had established left-wing parties, cultures, and institutions

              America has absolutely none of those institutions right now (not even as a hollowed-out shell, since anything remotely resembling the New Deal has been purged a very long time ago from the Democrats) and basically has to rebuild them from scratch; there is no electoral or organizational capacity that is stable or extant; you have to build all of those institutions to actually be able to do literally anything, and sorry, you’re going to need to appeal to deeply propagandized people who probably have no fucking idea what a labour union actually is or what socialism means

              this isn’t entryism because you’re not really expecting to change the party, it’s just impossible to be elected as a third party in America with how ballot access works

              you can’t just look at Europe and apply it to America